Finding time

shaylaayn Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I decided to start loosing the left over weight from bearing three children a couple weeks ago. However, I didn't take into account that I'll be going back to work this week. Between teaching two classes (holocaust history and the politics of war), being a mom of three, a band, and a very active social life- I'm not sure I'll have the time to continue my yoga and tai chi, or be able to keep the moderatly healthy diet I have set for me (if you been to universities then you know the dilemma of pizza and cold coffee vs vending machines and flat soda). Normaly I do my morning yoga after my baby is done nursing and before her brother and sister wake up, then my afternoon session while all three are napping. Once they are all in bed I do my tai chi before heading out to band practice and social engagements. Then I eventually go to bed around two in the morning. Once classes start I'll be out the door by 6:30 to teach my first class at eight, that lasts until eleven then the second class is at noon and lasts until two. By the time I get home the kids have already had a nap and I need to sit down to nurse anyway.

The whole jist of this is to ask for suggestions. I really don't want to change the type of workout that I'm doing since the yoga and tai chi are not only working but are helping my back (I have a buldging disk), my creativity, my libido, my posture and my self esteem. I have no clue how to squeeze three hours worth of workout into a day already filled with papers, parental duties, and music. I've lost two inches off my hips since starting so I know that what I'm currently doing is working- screwing with it seems like a dumb move.

Shayla Ayn


  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    This may sound a bit harsh, but if your health is important to you, you CAN find time for a moderately healthy diet (as you put it) and some exercise. I know you said you don't want to change what you are doing for exercise, but for your own sanity you probably shouldn't keep aiming for 3 hours a day! Try for yoga or tai chi each day, but not both. You can also work in more "unstructured" exercises like impromptu walks/jogs around campus or around your block at home when you have 20 or 30 minutes, jump rope (which is a GREAT cardio workout), even parking in the back of a parking lot. While 3 hours of exercise a day is great, don't kill yourself to keep that up, Aim for 30 to 60 minutes. You can and will lose weight, as long as you keep your food intake at appropriate levels.

    Regarding healthy eating, it really doesn't take any longer to eat healthy than it does to eat poorly, if you manage your time. I, for example, am NOT a morning person. No matter how hard I try, I cannot get up in the mornings earlier than I have to. This rules out cooking or preparing any time-intensive meal for me to bring to work for lunch. For a long time I just bought my lunch out almost every day (often fast food). Now, I cook a protein on Sunday night that will last for my lunches all week. One week I'll do salads - throw my pre-cooked protein in with some salad stuff, and maybe some beans or fruit for a side. Another week I'll do wraps, etc. It only takes a few minutes. It's all in the preparation. If you plan and prepare when you have the time, you CAN make it work.

    Unfortunately there are only so many hours in a day. If you refuse to change anything, it'll just collapse because something's gotta give. (I learned this the hard way - I'm not a parent, but I did do full time grad school and a full time professional job for 2 1/2 years!) However, if you plan for the change in your schedule by adjusting your exercise to be more fitting to your full schedule and planning meals ahead of time, you can stay on track.

    Good luck!
  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    I love yoga and tai chi, too, but when time or circumstance don't allow, I bike, walk, or do the stairs.
    On working days, if your back permits it, you might try working in a 20-30 minute walk between classes--my doctor says even 10 minutes of moderate exercise evens blood sugar and aids weight loss. The maximum blood sugar improvement occurs at 20 minutes, although, of course you can go longer if your back feels okay. Then you can do some yoga/tai chi after you get home and you've fed your baby. Also, perhaps a short session before bed? Just remember, every bit of exercise counts!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Something is going to have to give. Sit down and figure out your priorities. I understand you want to do it all, and won't give anything up, but there are only 24 hours in a day. If you will be nursing before you set out to class you will be getting up 430-5 am to get out by 630. Not home until 3-330ish, then nurse again, be mommy, work on papers from school, band practice and misc social events, and finally in bed around 2am. Get back up at 5.... you can not live on 3 hours sleep a day! Less if one of the children wake up in the night.

    Figure out the top 3 priorities and those come first. Everything else will have to be scheduled around the top 3. One of the top 3 should be YOU. None of the others (including the other top 2) will get done if YOU fall apart from lack of sleep, proper nutrition, stress and general exhaustion.

    Sorry if I sound harsh. Been there done that, have the scars to prove it.
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