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Hi my name is Suesan B. My husband told me about this site because i fell short of depression and not eating well. Im so glad i signed up because its so easy. I started this about 2 weeks ago and i dont know why i didnt do it before. I was just gona write down what i eat in a spiral and let it slide but I have alot of health issuea that makes this site so useful. I dont know how to count this stuff off the top off my head, so i was pretty much ignorant for no reason. I wouldnt say that i had a particular disorder with food, i would just look and think about eating the fattys{ food with alot of calories} but only eat something bc i think its good for me. It caused me to be tire, slow, sleeping, sad ,depressed and cranky. I was a lazy shell of a mother and wife and i feel so horrible for it. Im what they call a late bloomer. I was the youngest of 7 and by the time my parents were with me they let alot slide. So i made alot of my own decisions. I was all ways in track, cheerleading, weightlifting, wrestling, Id work out to vlad before i even started kendergarden. I was a crazy kid with alot of energy so my parents had know problem with me running around the house 24\7. Like my child right now, i was very charasmastic anyone could take me anywhere becuase having Bahamian prents I was deciplend. I would go to a friends house , address their parents, and say pls and thank you. There was a point when I would get paid to watch my own friends. Of course after wards Id spend it all on candy, but i was a good kid. I fell short when I droped out of college. I wanted my own place and a job, plus I was 21. So i lived with my imature older brother and partied from 01-04. Once, i got tired of parting I signed myself up for the US air force. I went it for EBT failed by 1 point and became a 3po security forces. I met Will in 05, we started dating on Halloween 05, got pregnant october 06, he deployed and we got married June 16 06. I had my child june 22 08. I was diagnosed that i was anemic and I got hashimotos thyroiditis. Plus, in basic training is when I found out that I have the sickle cell trait. Thats when my health fell short. I partied alot and I worked hard in the air force , with that combinationI went from 130 lbs to 170lbs. I was a happy fat but when I became pregnant everything I eat made a vomit. So i lost alot of weight with the baby. She came late and it took a weekend to have her causing me to lose alot of blood. Hince, thyroiditis and anemia. Ive been selling myself short from the time I had Lil Suesan up intell I ended up in the Hospital on thanksgiving morning when my husband had to dress me and take me to er. I dont know what could of happened if itwasnt for him. I was out of it for days before I got better. I had a blood transfer, took meds, eat alot and on time, and got back on my feet. My husband and his parents brought me back from the crap i was before. I was unhealthy for 5 years, it tookthat long to wake up and smell that the world is moving weather Im here or not. So, now Im here, eatingon time, sleeping on time., and being an awesome mommy and wife. I want to say thank you to everyone in my life and Im sooo glad that I have a myfitness pal account. thas my life in an overall nutshell.
