Starting over

I got sidetracked and stopped tracking and some weight has creeped back on... My number 1 goal for 2014 is to adapt to a healthy, active life. I spent 2013 purging a lot of unhealthy stuff from my life and now I am able to stop making excuses and start to focus on myself and my goals.

I do need support! So please add me, especially if you are from the Phoenix, AZ area. I would love to have buddies to meet up with and support each other off line. I am using Paleo/Primal frame work for my eating since my body does not seem to get along with sugars and carbs very well.

I have learned... I am not a gym person. Gym workouts bore me, and I need fun! :-) I do however love Zumba and Bellydance.. am beginning Couch to 5k (again) and looking at taking a Martial Art once the new year has begun.

That's it from me..
