Losing 1% per week vs. losing 2 lbs/week max?

Based on suggestions and information from other sites, I've decided to try aiming for loss of 1% of my body weight per week rather than a 2 lb maximum. Right now, that would mean losing about 2.8 lbs per week and netting just barely below 1200 calories per day. I would adjust my deficit by hand as I lose weight to keep in line with a 1% reduction per week.

So far, I've been losing about 1.2 lbs per week, but I want to lose a little faster than that (at least until I get below 200 lbs.)

Does anyone who started above 200 lbs have experience aiming for a greater than 2 lbs/week reduction? Are there any special challenges netting 1200 cals/day when you're very overweight? I'll definitely be including more exercise if I decide to stick with the 1%/week deficit, but are there other changes that would help me?


  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Special Challenges?? in my opinion would be hunger, and the fact this isn't a race. Why the sudden rush to lose weight faster... I lost at a 1-2 lb. a week weight loss and I amassed a decent amount of weight loss. Choosing a plan that is one that can be adhered to is the best approach and if you are also going to be adding in more exercise your net intake will be even less which isn't going to promote more weight loss but will cause your body to turn to other source of energy which will include your lean body mass.... If I was you I would set a caloric intake to allow you to lose 1-2 pounds a week, exercise (and if you are using NEAT then eat back a good portion of those calories burned to fuel your body) and be content in your weight loss. I know it is a redundant statement but "This is a marathon, not a sprint" You are setting a sustainable path that you can adhere to for the rest of your life.... No Need to Rush That.......... Best of Luck
  • Yep it is possible to lose more, so far i've been losing 3.5 lbs (1/4 stone) a week. But my diet is very low carb (and incredibly boring). I force myself to the gym to do 30min cardio three times a week to keep the metabolism going.

    I eat a lot of Turkey, beef, chicken, fish, bacon, sometimes eggs (if I have 2 eggs i try to be smart about it and have one whole and one without the yolk). I aim to always leave a deficit of about 500 calories and have found the less carbs you eat + the more protein you eat = the less hunger you feel. There have been days where i've had to remember to eat because the hunger is just not there.

    There are a couple of foods ive had to watch out for, i.e. sausages they contain a lot of fillers which are really high in carbs. Some hamburgers do as well. Also kebabs aren't just all meat, the lamb and chick shishs are ok but the lamb doners contain husk which is another hidden carb filler. That's partly the reason why they are so bad, massive amounts of fat and hidden carbs.

    If you want to go hardcore tuna or prawns are ideal closely followed by turkey.

    About going faster I think Ed made the best point, it's not a race -i.e "there's no point running 100 mph for 1 second". The most important thing is that you remain consistant and comfortable in your weightloss, only then can it be something truely sustainable.