Recovering from diet burnout!

My first two years on MFP I was killing it. I started out at 238 pounds and 18 months later wieghted in at 192. I was looking good and feeling great. Then my MIL went in the hospital for an extended time and I stopped working out, using my time to help with the family. Then I stopped tracking my food and a year later I was back up to 219.

At this point I reset all my starting points and got back on track. Four month later my I am back down to 206 and feeling better. But then my MIL (who lives with us) is back in the hospital for another extended stay. Life is all messed up again, I am off the diet and stress eating.

Now she been back home for several weeks and I have decided to get back on the yo-yo. I got on the scales this morning at 213 lbs. I moved my wieght back to that point and have started again, for the third time still not reaching my goal of 190 lbs.

My job has changed and there is no way I can go to the gym 3 times a week, so I plan on walkling my devoted dog Chance 3 times a week.

The reason for the this post is that I am burned out and need encouragement. My head is not in it like I was the first time out and my wife is not going to be on the journey with me.

The system works .... watch what you eat and excercise. Anyway ... need help keeping it going ..... look forward to having you along for this last and successful journey.




  • aronao
    aronao Posts: 112 Member

    sorry to hear about the drama in your life at the moment. I'm in a similar boat - my FIL has been in hospital for 3 weeks with major major health issues and has 6 months of rehab coming his way. I've been the medical liaison for the family (I'm a doctor) and I'm stressed out but making a huge effort not to use this as an excuse to eat. I haven't been getting to the gym as much as I am used to either.

    The best thing to keep weight under control is keep your eating in check - I know it's easier said than done (I had take-out almost every day last week) - even if you can't exercise.

    I've also been on the yo-yo for most of my life so I know how easy it is to gain and how hard and how much work it is to lose.

    You've obviously got the discipline, maybe now just isn't the right time to go all out, a gentler but sustained and manageable approach in the setting of extra stress might work better. Walking the dog will be good for some chill time, maybe find another activity that can also help with the stress relief - meditation, yoga, swimming, bush walking, art, writing - so food doesn't become the answer.

    You CAN do it.
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 860 Member
    FOUND IT! :tongue: And I am totally with you. I started almost 3 years ago, lost almost 50#. Started well over 210, and got down to 165 at one point. Now, I'm back up to 188. I too have had all kinds of issues, personally, and from outside sources, that have caused me to "fall off the wagon." Really struggling right now, and if I wasn't on MFP...I'd be back up over 200. And, my clothes wouldn't fit...again.

    So, my friend, I'm here for you. I'll do what I can. You know you an always send me a message and spout off any way you want without any repercussions. Say what you want, yell and swear. It's all good. I'll do everything I can, and you can just do the same thing for me! :laugh: I need to stay away from the freakin' donuts! Still also trying to get off the soda wagon. And..the holidays are here. Ugh....not helpful.

    What's the best way for me to help you???:huh: Inquiring minds want to know.

    I think I'll go reset my weight too...if I remember how. :ohwell:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I am sorry for the consistent user in your life. I encourage you to change your mind set about food by forgetting the diet and see calorie counting as more of a lifestyle change. Even when MIL is not doing well, you can track those calories. All that is required to lose weight is to eat at a calorie deficit, and if that's all you can do some days then that needs to be good enough.

    Put your health first FOR YOU while taking care of family obligations.

    I'm here rooting for you!
  • genkimomof2
    genkimomof2 Posts: 50 Member
    Ugh, I've got burnout too. Been dieting forever but just found MFP last year. I've lost 50 pounds with MFP but have plateaued several times and it gets so discouraging. And with the traveling and holidays and parties it's really hard to stick to it these days. My goal is to just keep making the best choices I can given the circumstances and re-commit come January.

    I'm so sorry about your MIL and I hope your wife comes around and is more supportive of you, esp. over the hols.
  • ki4idb
    ki4idb Posts: 114
    Thanks for all the kind words and thoughts .... fingers crossed and with the support of friends I know I can do it. Now I just have to do it.
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    im sorry you have to go through so much ((HUGS)). I'm totally with you - I can relate too well!!! I've been on and off this yo-yo way too much and I'm only 23. I'm feeling the burn-out right now and its not pretty. I don't really know what to tell you because im feeling down in the gutters too. but we need to think about this as a LIFESTYLE change instead of something temporary. Even when life hits us, we cant just drop the system. Like you said, the system works - calorie counting and exercise is the key! there is no other way around it. you know what you need to do. you've been on the winning side of this so you know you can do it already! just get back on that horse and win it again. this time, do it permanently!

    that being said, im so burnt out too. I keep thinking that this yo-yo-ing is no way to live. Every time the going gets tough, my body revolts and I start losing control and binging like hell.... its not only a physical "eff-you" but a mental drain too. for every step forward, its 2 step back and thats so frustrating!!! then, i start slipping into the mindset that being unhealthy/fat/medically eff-ed up has to be better than this constant mental/psychological/physical self damage for the elusive "healthier me" (?)... but someone pointed out to me... even with the whole 1 step/2 step thing, i'm still making PROGRESS and i'm LEARNING... so thats a thing to think about... i guess?

    I'm here for ya buddy. Don't give up and I wont either :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I am sorry for the consistent upset in your life. I encourage you to change your mind set about food by forgetting the diet and see calorie counting as more of a lifestyle change. Even when MIL is not doing well, you can track those calories. All that is required to lose weight is to eat at a calorie deficit, and if that's all you can do some days then that needs to be good enough.

    Put your health first FOR YOU while taking care of family obligations.

    I'm here rooting for you!

    That's what I meant to put.