Losing weight advice

I am 5'8 and currently weigh 180. My weight has been fluctuating quite frequently over the past few months. I try to eat right and workout at least 2-3 times a week. I can tell that I've gained weight in my face and stomach. I have never been the one to have abs, no matter how hard I worked...I want to lose weight and tone up. I am limited though to exercising, my running is limited because i have swelling in the ankles and shin splints. and I am on BP medicine, which makes me sleepy and have bad headaches.
I want to at least get to 145 if at all possible.
Does anyone have any advice or helpful hints to help me lose the weight? Also, I have tried numerous weight loss pills and nothing has seemed to work.

OxyElite (old and new)
Green tea extract


  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I'm not sure if BP medicine would alter results but to my understanding, to lose weight it's calories in vs out. Diet pills are snake oil. I recommend a digital food scale. Weigh everything you can. Only use measuring cups for liquids. Log consistently and honestly. For me, I like using TDEE -20% method over MFP, as MFP tends to overestimate burns from exercise. Scoobyworkshop.com is a good place to find a decent calorie intake based on activity level. Then, you would just eat this amount and not have to worry about eating back exercise. Try to eat nutritionally dense foods but you don't have to cut anything out that you enjoy. Make it fit into your daily intake. Nutrition is kind of a balancing act, in a way. Find things you enjoy that help meet your goals. Use exercise for health.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Get rid of the diet pills and other quick fix nonsense. Log everything you eat - accurately - meaning weigh or measure everything. I also recommend Scoobyworkshop - find the proper amount of calories and stick to it.