Recruiting Paleo/ Clean-Eating Friends



  • gomesrw
    gomesrw Posts: 3 Member
    I can attribute the Paleo / Low Carb diet to my success so far 110 pounds total and 48 of those since joining MFP.
    The only deviation for me is I eat 1 oz of hard Parmesan Cheese every day at breakfast. I do this for 2 reasons. 1 I need the extra calcium after having my thyroid and one parathyroid removed for cancer and the 1 oz gives me 310 mg. 2 that 1 oz gives me 11 g of protein and my goal is to eat 50-70 g of protein in the morning.

    Would love to befriend anyone else in this group. Together we are accomplishing great things.

  • TiffanyRobin72
    I'm more Primal because I do eat some dairy. I've been on and off this plan for 2 years. I'm ready to stop getting off and incorporate this lifestyle for a lifetime.

    I'm new to MFP (just started today) - feel free to add me.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    I can attribute the Paleo / Low Carb diet to my success so far 110 pounds total and 48 of those since joining MFP.
    The only deviation for me is I eat 1 oz of hard Parmesan Cheese every day at breakfast. I do this for 2 reasons. 1 I need the extra calcium after having my thyroid and one parathyroid removed for cancer and the 1 oz gives me 310 mg. 2 that 1 oz gives me 11 g of protein and my goal is to eat 50-70 g of protein in the morning.

    Would love to befriend anyone else in this group. Together we are accomplishing great things.


    Congratulations on fighting cancer, and on losing 110 lbs!!! Your so awesome!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Khamara_01
    Khamara_01 Posts: 36 Member
    I just started the Paleo Diet, and I'm also using the 12wbt exercise program as I'm training to climb a few mountains in march.
    So everyone feel free to add me :)
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    G'day mate,

    Can't say I'm 100% paleo (closer to primal, if anything) but I don't eat grains (I'm coeliac), yeast or lactose. I have IBS and have to be careful about everything I put into my body. I'm a former barista and just can't give up my dairy, as I make myself 1 cappuccino every morning to get going. I am also on a low carb, low cal, high protein diet and have lost 5kg in the first week - probably a lot of water weight, but confirms that eliminating grains makes a HUGE difference. Good luck! If you make a group, I'd love to be a part of it! =)

  • newcltkathy
    newcltkathy Posts: 6 Member
    The Paleo diet is complete nonsense, folks. It isn't based on solid science. Do your research before you embark on this nutritional nightmare of a diet. It is a myth that our hunter-gather ancestors ate a primarily meat based diet. They ate leaves, fruits, wood, and bark—a diet similar to modern day chimpanzees. Meat was too unpredictable to count on for sustenance. This is just another stupid diet trend for the gullible.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    The Paleo diet is complete nonsense, folks. It isn't based on solid science. Do your research before you embark on this nutritional nightmare of a diet. It is a myth that our hunter-gather ancestors ate a primarily meat based diet. They ate leaves, fruits, wood, and bark—a diet similar to modern day chimpanzees. Meat was too unpredictable to count on for sustenance. This is just another stupid diet trend for the gullible.

    Ok. That's your opinion. Did you not read everyone's responses? There are some that have been doing it for along time so I don't think your rant is going to make much of a difference.

    I'm sure they did research it out. Did you not hear one person doctor recommended it for health reasons?

    I'm not for it or against it. I'm more into a diet that does not restrict any macros or foods. However, your response seems premature without actually reading what some of these folks have said and their reasoning for it.
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    The Paleo diet is complete nonsense, folks. It isn't based on solid science. Do your research before you embark on this nutritional nightmare of a diet. It is a myth that our hunter-gather ancestors ate a primarily meat based diet. They ate leaves, fruits, wood, and bark—a diet similar to modern day chimpanzees. Meat was too unpredictable to count on for sustenance. This is just another stupid diet trend for the gullible.

    Yeah, maybe. But it's hell useful for people who have coeliac disease or lactose intolerance, and encourages a good balance of food. People feel better on it. What's the harm?
  • Thegle
    Thegle Posts: 41 Member
    The Paleo diet is complete nonsense, folks. It isn't based on solid science. Do your research before you embark on this nutritional nightmare of a diet. It is a myth that our hunter-gather ancestors ate a primarily meat based diet. They ate leaves, fruits, wood, and bark—a diet similar to modern day chimpanzees. Meat was too unpredictable to count on for sustenance. This is just another stupid diet trend for the gullible.

    Judging by the day this person was added and other contributions to MFP boards (none) I would call this person a troll <--google it. Sadly, there are quite a few on here right now
  • Thegle
    Thegle Posts: 41 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend and tell me what style of paleo / primal you are
  • Kristen2266
    Kristen2266 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a whole-foods based elite runner! I have a blog on nutrition, check it out: : I just started it so there are only a few entries but I will be posting recipes and informative articles, as well as chronicling my training! If you have ANY questions on nutrition, don't hesitate to ask. I love helping people!
  • GlassSlipperGurl
    GlassSlipperGurl Posts: 117 Member
    Going to REALLY try to live this lifestyle this year. Feel free to add me. I could use the support and info as well.
  • RitaPrior
    RitaPrior Posts: 39 Member
    You can add me as a friend.
  • jordy323
    I am not going full paleo yet, but I am working on eventually eating that way. I am cutting out boxed foods, sodas, and anything over processed. I welcome friends to support and gain inspiration from.
  • 23wife
    23wife Posts: 57 Member
    Add me! ;)
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    The Paleo diet is complete nonsense, folks. It isn't based on solid science. Do your research before you embark on this nutritional nightmare of a diet. It is a myth that our hunter-gather ancestors ate a primarily meat based diet. They ate leaves, fruits, wood, and bark—a diet similar to modern day chimpanzees. Meat was too unpredictable to count on for sustenance. This is just another stupid diet trend for the gullible.

    If you think Paleo is a meat-based diet, maybe YOU should do your research. It is the idea of eating anything that was available before the agricultural revolution. How is eating fruits, veggies, nuts, and meat a nightmare of a diet??

    My doctor suggested I get on it because I am sensitive to carbs, they cause me to have migraines. I did it for a few months until the holidays hit and I really miss it. I felt great the whole time!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Hey there..I have to go Paleo cause I have Hashimotos. I did it before..but only for weight I have to do it for my life...I do plan on going the whole getting grass fed beef and pastured chickens and such..but untl i get rid of the meat that I currently will be 2 weeks before I do that.

    My doc wants to see me in 3 months to see if my anti-bodies have gone down...praying this will work..!
  • newcltkathy
    newcltkathy Posts: 6 Member
    Just because you lose weight on the Paleo diet does not make it safe for healthy individuals. The claims make by the author of the Paleo Diet are not supported by solid research.

    The Paleo Diet promotes a high protein, low carbohydrate intake ratio, which puts stress on the body. High protein, low carbohydrate diets have been linked to high cholesterol, heart disease, cancer and kidney damage.

    Also, this diet emphasizes meat and fish and it is impossible to follow a Paleo Diet without eating meat, seafood, or eggs. Excellent vegetarian sources of protein, such as beans and other legumes, are not allowed. Any diet that makes it impossible to be a vegetarian or vegan is complete garbage.

    If you are sensitive to carbs then it is probably the refined carbs that are causing trouble. The best thing to do is cut out the white stuff in your diet. That's just common sense.
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    i tried paleo over the summer.... but couldnt stick with it... i:heart: dairy to much.

    Have you considered primal? Follows a lot of the same principles as paleo, but allows for dairy.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    CoolChick, if you're interested in giving up dairy, I've found that almond milk is a great substitute in cappuccinos and other espresso drinks. :) Unfortunately, it is more processed.