New and have no idea what I am doing

Hi, I am about 4st over weight and have no idea how to start this .. I have never calorie counted before and don't know where to start ... what would I put down for 2 slices of toast and marge for instance .. where would I look for that info ??/ ... any help / friends would be appreciated ... thanks .. Trina


  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    The best way is to just start clicking on tabs to see what's here. The Home tab has a goals tab where you can either let MFP customize them for you or make your own. Under food tab you can look up almost every food imaginable. Under the Community tab you can see posts for new members to MFP. Just explore and ask if you need help. We are here for you!/Cindy
  • rgibson53
    rgibson53 Posts: 7 Member
    in the food diary. just type in and find what is the closest
  • chrisram88
    chrisram88 Posts: 43 Member
    If you have a smartphone you can download the mfp app! its really convenient and simple to use! everyday all you do is select the foods you chose to eat and input them in the diary! little by little you will get used to it and i guarantee you will also get more involved with research, I know i did!