HRM/Fitness tracker for Cardiac Rehab

New to site..I am a 55y/o female that on Nov 4th had a cardiac event which resulted in heart failure. Thru medication, diet changes and Cardiac Rehab, my numbers (Ejection Fraction) have gone back to "normal". Without going into a lot of medical stuff I suffered from Stress-induced Cardiomyopathy.

Now to the question, I am doing Cardiac Rehab for 3 days weekly (they monitor for me). I am looking for a good HRM/fitness tracker to monitor HR while at gym. During rehab time I have some guidelines to follow per Dr. and need something more reliable than the ones at the gym or from smartphones…..So I am sure this has been asked before but any input would be great.
This has been quite a big wake-up call.
Thanks for all your input...


  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Sorry for the late reply ! My mom is doing CR currently, following a valve replacement, and quite a few heart attacks. I recommend Pacer for iPhone, and wait for the Amiigo wristband to come out.