Need help with a plan

SO, I am 5'4, around 170 and am looking to get back around 130, at my prime I was 120 but I am 40 now and even at 20, that was to skinny so I am aiming for 130. Anywho, I have a trainer I meet with once a week, I try to do at least 30 minutes of cardio daily along with the 30 day shred a few times a week. My diet, although I don't eat horrible, is not the best it could be, normally I prefer to eat clean but that is on hold til after the holidays.

With that said, I have a few questions:

1) I feel better in my clothes and have gotten stronger but the scale hasn't changed much....what is up with that?

2) I was told in another thread (which I deleted) that I should be on a program, exactly what kind of program should I be looking for?

3) As far as wt lifting, I want definition for sure, which I have gotten in the past by doing every other day wt lifting, but I was early 30's then, so will this still work?

4) Any suggestions on diet?. I stopped logging for a bit but plan on picking that habit back up. I am a night shifter which makes things a tad more difficult.

Thanks in advance for any and all help!!!


  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    You're starting off great. Getting into an exercise habit is so healthy!

    I'd try not to go overboard during the holiday. Then you're that much further behind when you're ready to get more serious.

    I don't know what people mean by a "program" and doubt you need such a thing. I haven't been on a "program." I do try to buy healthy, whole foods, emphasize veggies and lean protein, and allow myself treats within my calorie allotment. That's about all there is to it, though I guess some people get a lot more complicated about it.
  • Lola824
    Lola824 Posts: 96 Member
    This is how I've always done it in the past. I work out, cut calorie intake (not excessively), try to stick with a routine with shaking it up occassionaly. Like I said though the scale hasn't moved much but I do feel better and my clothes fit better, I am trying not to be distracted by that.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Lift heavy.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    1) I feel better in my clothes and have gotten stronger but the scale hasn't changed much....what is up with that?
    Sounds like you're losing body fat, which is a good thing. After all, no one but you knows what the scale says, but everyone sees how you look!

    2) I was told in another thread (which I deleted) that I should be on a program, exactly what kind of program should I be looking for?
    What kind of program? Food? Weight lifting? Other training? Since you mention lifting in the next question, I will suggest New Rules of Lifting for Women or Starting Strength.

    3) As far as wt lifting, I want definition for sure, which I have gotten in the past by doing every other day wt lifting, but I was early 30's then, so will this still work?
    You don't even need to do that much. If you use a program with compound lifts that work the full body, you can definitely gain definition with lifting 2-3 times a week.

    4) Any suggestions on diet?. I stopped logging for a bit but plan on picking that habit back up. I am a night shifter which makes things a tad more difficult.
    You don't need a special diet. As long as you are eating less than you burn each day, you will lose. That being said, a lot of people here seem to have more success on a high protein diet. But it's really all about your personal preference.
  • Lola824
    Lola824 Posts: 96 Member
    How does the high protein diet help?

    Thanks for the input, this was alot easier a few years ago....sigh!