6 reasons to keep carbs in your diet



  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    my opinion is that ALOT of people don't even know what a carb is. There are favorable and unfavorable (not good and bad). Some are better than others. Fruits and veggies=favorable. Breads, grains, rice, potatoes,etc=unfavorable. Not bad, just not as good. I eat all kinds. I try to limit the "unfavorable" and it has had a big impact on my weight. Period.
    Here's what I don't get. Doctors recommend a very good diet for diabetics, restricting unfavorable carbs, regular meals, good lean proteins, etc.
    If this is a good diet for diabetics wouldn't you think it would be a good diet for most everyone? Good for your body? Less stress on the system?
    This is what I'm doing and I feel great. Less joint pain, clear headed, more energy, depression in check and very little sweets cravings. I haven't eaten sugar in I don't know how long now. I personally think sugar is the biggest problem. Definitely what I'd go so far as to call a "bad" carb. People need to learn what "carbs" are. I'm amazed at the people I talk to that don't know that fruit or veggies are carbs. Of COURSE you need to keep carbs in your diet. It's a matter of which ones!
  • onyxlibra7
    To carb or not to carb??? That is the question....that NO ONE person alone has the answer to because, again, EVERYONE is different. I did the no carb thing for two days and guess what...FAIL!!!! lmao But I'm okay with that. I had no energy and I felt like blah. This does not work for ME. Balance is key for me. Not to say it can't work for YOU. Thank you pinky for the post! As always mah boo...YOU ARE ON IT!! With ur skinTy @$$!! GET IT MAMA! Werk!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    I appreciate the sentiments of those who get tired of having their low-carb diets bashed. Likewise, I get frustrated when I see people say eating carbs is bad for you and will make you fat. I have had great fat-loss success and feel the healthiest I've felt my entire life, and my diet consists of a large percentage of carbs, including whole grains and even the dreaded potatoes.