Freaking out (Lots of "what if" questions.)

So as I am sitting in my living room, I decided for a little extra motivation, I would look at tumblers before and after weight loss. I then began to panic. What if I have loose skin? Like a lot. What If my bellybutton isn't where it "should" be. What if.... areas... don't shrink too. What if I lose weight in only a certain area of my body, but not the rest? If I lose all the weight will I love myself.? If it takes me more then 3 years can I stick to it to see the progress. I hate this whole thing! I wish I could just skip to the future to see what I could/might look like! I'm soo scared that I'm going to have crazy amounts of loose skin. Ugh. I know it sounds silly, but that is what I am soooo concerned with. Somebody tell me I'm not that crazy!


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    not trying to sound harsh, but that sounds like a whole lot of excuses to not change what you're doing right now.

    don't be afraid of change - if you don't change something, nothing will change.

    no point worrying about what if's, deal with them if you get there.

    will you have loose skin? who knows. lose weight slowly, exercise and eat well and the likelihood will be lessened.
    will you love yourself after you've lost weight. probably not. losing weight doesn't change your brain! that's a whole different problem to work on.
    you wont lose weight in one spot. if you do, you can make millions by telling people the secret to spot reducing.
    who cares where your bellybutton is unless you want to go round showing off your stomach all day?
    if you could see in to the future, how would it change what you're doing now?
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    You are not crazy. As far as I know. :-)

    But you seem to be worried about things that you don't need to worry about yet.

    Worry about first things first.
  • MEJovanovich
    I am working out, I should have added that. I have just been gaining weight and I have no Idea why, I am under my cal limits, but I just keep on gaining. Ugh. I think it is the lack of sleep that is getting to me. I just don't want to have loose skin and have to get surgery. It scares me.
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    If you use the slow and steady approach you aren't nearly as likely to have loose skin.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I am working out, I should have added that. I have just been gaining weight and I have no Idea why, I am under my cal limits, but I just keep on gaining. Ugh. I think it is the lack of sleep that is getting to me. I just don't want to have loose skin and have to get surgery. It scares me.

    stress and sleep both play a huge part in your fat loss ability.

    perhaps you're not eating have limits for a reason! eating too little is just as bad as eating too much if it's happening regularly.
  • MEJovanovich
    I am working out, I should have added that. I have just been gaining weight and I have no Idea why, I am under my cal limits, but I just keep on gaining. Ugh. I think it is the lack of sleep that is getting to me. I just don't want to have loose skin and have to get surgery. It scares me.

    stress and sleep both play a huge part in your fat loss ability.

    perhaps you're not eating have limits for a reason! eating too little is just as bad as eating too much if it's happening regularly.

    I didn't know that eating too few was bad. I might have to calculate the TDEE? Is that it? See what I should be eating.
    I knew stress did, but not sleep. I am so uninformed it's crazy. Apparently, I should sleep more.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Ok. Take a deep breath. Now:

    Change is scary. It's ok.

    Of course we all would like to look like Jillian Michaels at the end of our weight loss journey (or Kate Upton or Angeline Jolie, or...well, you get my point), but the fact is that we won't.

    If you can accept now that you will never have a PERFECT body, then this process will be much easer. It will still be worth the journey. It's still the right choice.
  • MEJovanovich
    I just read that water plays a big roll in the elasticity of ones skin. I might have to buy a water bottle and drink water like my Dr. recommended for my PCOS. I'm going to have to by a health for dummies book. I can't believe how much I don't know.
  • DownsizingAaron
    DownsizingAaron Posts: 127 Member
    Sounds like you should talk to a doctor about the weight gain first to see what's up.

    I have a lot more weight to lose and I'm worried about those things too but if all else fails, I can gain some weight back. Honestly I think looking good in clothes is going to feel so much better than being fat naked. Your skin at your age is also a lot more responsive than it will be even 10 or 20 years from now so doing it now will give you the best chance for it to all go back the way it was before you gained the weight.

    Having gained, lost, and gained again over the last decade, I can tell you it doesn't get easier to lose it but it does get easier to gain more. The only "what if" question that should worry you is "what if I don't change my life now and die too young?" Being obese can most definitely kill you.

    As you said in your profile, you are also hoping to be a role model for the other important people in your life - not only are you saving your own life, you could help save theirs as well. Track everything you do and eat, set realistic goals, measure your progress, celebrate the small wins, and take the steps to live a longer and healthier life.

    If you want a friend and accountability partner, send me a friend request. I lived in the Twin Cities until 3 months ago :)
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Ok. Take a deep breath. Now:

    Change is scary. It's ok.

    Of course we all would like to look like Jillian Michaels at the end of our weight loss journey (or Kate Upton or Angeline Jolie, or...well, you get my point), but the fact is that we won't.

    If you can accept now that you will never have a PERFECT body, then this process will be much easer. It will still be worth the journey. It's still the right choice.

    what's a perfect body? :)
    (i wouldn't want to look like any of those people you mentioned... i don't think they look that great tbh)

    you can have a perfect body, if you love what you look like!
  • DownsizingAaron
    DownsizingAaron Posts: 127 Member
    Reading some of your responses I have the following additional comments:

    I'm a dude but quickly reading about PCOS sounds like something that may improve with good nutrition and weight loss??? I'd certainly talk to the doc about any plans for weight loss before getting serious.

    Your health care may also cover a meeting with a nutritionist due to the PCOS or just simply the weight. Either way, an hour or two with a nutritionist would be very beneficial. Yes you can get it all from books and online stuff, but hearing it from an expert and asking questions and knowing you are getting good answers is great. Back when I lost 85 pounds in 18 months I had a personal trainer help me overcome my pain and fitness plateaus and then a nutritionist helped me overcome my weight plateau. Helped a ton then and the knowledge is still with me so it will help me again this time.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    If you make your diary public we may be able to help with the weight gain. Are you using a food scale to weigh all solids and measuring all liquids? If not, you may be eating more than you think. How much protein are you getting? MFP sets protein way too low.

    You're young so if you lose weight slowly you should not have a problem with sagging skin.

    I would suggest you read through the introduction materials on this site. And then read through some of the success stories. I don't know much about PCOS but if losing weight will help that's a big motivator. If you family is not supportive then you may have to buy your own food and learn a lot of self control (my parents house is like a bakery). But most of all you have to be ready to make the commitment to yourself that you are going to get healthy.
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    Breath. You're not as big as some of those loose and saggy skinned people and you're a whole lot younger. Your skin has plenty of time to "bounce" back into shape again. Breathe.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Ok. Take a deep breath. Now:

    Change is scary. It's ok.

    Of course we all would like to look like Jillian Michaels at the end of our weight loss journey (or Kate Upton or Angeline Jolie, or...well, you get my point), but the fact is that we won't.

    If you can accept now that you will never have a PERFECT body, then this process will be much easer. It will still be worth the journey. It's still the right choice.

    what's a perfect body? :)
    (i wouldn't want to look like any of those people you mentioned... i don't think they look that great tbh)

    you can have a perfect body, if you love what you look like!

    I think you missed the point...:huh:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    1. Drink lots of water.
    2. Try to get good quality foods for your calories - plenty of lean meats, fish, chicken and lots of vegetables.
    3. A slow and steady weight loss is better than a fast drop, as your body has time to adjust.
    4. Exercise will help your body stay in shape.

    Now, YOU can control every one of those factors.
  • Sylvitryinghard
    Sylvitryinghard Posts: 549 Member
    what if I cant poo
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    I agree with whoever said that you just need to be prepared to face the worst. There was this girl that was your age and she lost around 75 lbs in two years and she still had loads of excess skin (not the kind that would "bounce back"). I'm not saying this is going to happen to you but don't automatically believe everyone that says "lose it slow and drink a lot of water" because the fact of the matter is, genetics probably has more to do with it than anything.

    I do hope the best for you, but I think it is best if you just accept that you may not look the way you want after its all over. It still beats being overweight any day.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Others have already broached the loose skin subject. You are going to tighten up a lot so don't worry.

    Regarding the 3 yr comment. Please view this adventure as a lifestyle change. There's no going back to the old way of eating once you meet your goal. That's what got you there in the first place.

    Losing slow will enable you to develop good eating habits. It's not a race but you will have to change your habits and not go back. Not saying you should cut out foods; just cut down. If you cut out, you'll feel deprived and revert back.

    Good luck, you can do this!!!

    Go slow.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Ok. Take a deep breath. Now:

    Change is scary. It's ok.

    Of course we all would like to look like Jillian Michaels at the end of our weight loss journey (or Kate Upton or Angeline Jolie, or...well, you get my point), but the fact is that we won't.

    If you can accept now that you will never have a PERFECT body, then this process will be much easer. It will still be worth the journey. It's still the right choice.

    what's a perfect body? :)
    (i wouldn't want to look like any of those people you mentioned... i don't think they look that great tbh)

    you can have a perfect body, if you love what you look like!

    I think you missed the point...:huh:

    uh, no. you can have a perfect body. there is no one "perfect body". beauty and perfection is in the eye of the beholder - perfect is whatever you want it to be.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    LOTS of women just like you have done this without any of the problems you are afraid... my absolute favorite thread and motivation

    This is countless women all shapes and sizes looking badazz and hot :)