Not eating enough



  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Natural Sugars are good for your body if your eating processed refined sugar all day every day yes then you should be worried about sugars unless you are insulin resistant or diabetic.... as for sodium as well, your body needs sodium but again unless your eating highly processed foods that contain alot of salt I wouldnt worry about it either....We all need sodium
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Does anyone have a method to stop from reducing calories to much. I'm 221 pounds and I find myself not meeting my calorie goal. I dont want my metabolism to crash on me and I cant get myself to eat anymore than I am. Maybe if I eat more meals a day just smaller portions, I'll get closer to my daily goal.. Any suggestions would help

    What is your calorie goal? How are you not meeting it? If you eat foods high in protein good fats and calorie enriched foods that are healthy then you should have no problem in reaching your goal
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    The 1500 recommended by AHA is for those with heart disease and blood pressure issues. I think most people that end up Googling their way to the AHA website have those issues. If you have those, then the lower sodium amount may be helpful in addressing it without so much medications.

    Here is info on some of the worst offenders on salt, if that is a concern:

    Here is a list of foods and their sodium content, from the Cleveland Clinic.

    Some other things you can do to avoid salt include rinsing your beans in a colander if you are eating canned beans and avoiding cheese. One oz. of cheese has almost 400 mg of salt. Cheese is one of my many weaknesses, so this one is especially hard for me personally. I haven't eliminated cheese, but I have limited as a go-to snack.

    Nuts are a good source of healthy fats and carry a hundred calories in a small amount. You can find unsalted nuts usually next to the salty ones that I/we have a tendency to gobble up.

    Sugar and salt are ways that food manufacturers compensate for fat in prepared foods and sauces. Low-fat typically means more sugar and more salt. If you are choosing Low Fat on the front label of your foods, you might want to turn it around to see if you are gaining a lot of salt and sugar in return for the lower fat. Compare it to the regular variety of the same food and you might... might... be able to choose the regular variety and have a smaller portion of it.

    I struggle with salt every day. My favorite noshes are pickles... Pickled anything -- Cucumbers, peppers, okra, veggies, etc. But the process of pickling/canning is a way that old farm families were able to keep foods that would normally rot around many months past harvest. Salt is a natural preservative and is used heavily in pickling, usually.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Maybe the OP doesn't want to eat the same foods they ate before for fear of going off track again? I'm the same - I struggle to eat anywhere near what people say I should eat without going back to burgers, pizza, crisps etc. I don't want to eat those foods regularly (except as a cheat) because 1. I would feel guilty and 2. its a slippery slope IMO.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Maybe the OP doesn't want to eat the same foods they ate before for fear of going off track again? I'm the same - I struggle to eat anywhere near what people say I should eat without going back to burgers, pizza, crisps etc. I don't want to eat those foods regularly (except as a cheat) because 1. I would feel guilty and 2. its a slippery slope IMO.

    Maybe this will help you and the OP
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Thanks, I'll have a read. Problem is I'm an all or nothing sort of person, I'm either dieting strictly, or I'm not spectacularly!
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Thanks, I'll have a read. Problem is I'm an all or nothing sort of person, I'm either dieting strictly, or I'm not spectacularly!

    Welcome. I understand that....Its all about trial error when I first joined I was like well Ill only eat this way or eat that way and well instead Im like well I still want to eat what I want to eat so I am. Just eating alot less of it and filling up on more healthier foods and listening to my body on when I am full
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Interesting article, thanks again. I'll try and incorporate some of the advice.