overcoming eating way too much

Hello. As I REbegin my weight loss journey (for the zillionth time) I'd like some advice from you. For those who started out eating way too much etc. What helped you to gain control? How long did it take to adjust to eating a decent amount rather than eating in surplus? Do the cravings ever go away? Just looking for some ideas to get restarted.


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  • Thanks
  • goodnamegone
    Not eating bread helped me, recently I ate some bread and I had the urge to overeat again. That works for me not saying it works for everyone...

    Low carbs helped me too, it took away my cravings for eating more. I hope other people will have better advice for you!
  • cwatts0
    cwatts0 Posts: 51 Member
    Biggest help for me was (and is) measuring my food and logging everything as I eat it on here. When I log as the day progresses it keeps me in check, on the days when I can't log as I eat ... I log at night and its usually a shock as to how much I ate that day. I am not nearly as good at estimating as I thought.
  • Not eating bread helped me, recently I ate some bread and I had the urge to overeat again. That works for me not saying it works for everyone...

    Low carbs helped me too, it took away my cravings for eating more. I hope other people will have better advice for you!

    I don't want to go low carb but I do notice when I eat lower carbs and cut out fast food I'm full longer and don't crave junk as much. Thanks!
  • Biggest help for me was (and is) measuring my food and logging everything as I eat it on here. When I log as the day progresses it keeps me in check, on the days when I can't log as I eat ... I log at night and its usually a shock as to how much I ate that day. I am not nearly as good at estimating as I thought.

    Oh I'm the queen of estimating lol. I got a food scale at Walmart so hopefully it will help me be more accurate. Thanks for sharing!
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Low carb helped me to deal with too large portions and snacking in between. I just feel too stuffed now to keep on eating. I also noticed that high carb and sugar invites me to eat more, I just feel hungry again in no time.

    I have also heard it can help to use smaller plates. People tend to eat the plate empty no matter how large it is.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Hello. As I REbegin my weight loss journey (for the zillionth time) I'd like some advice from you. For those who started out eating way too much etc. What helped you to gain control? How long did it take to adjust to eating a decent amount rather than eating in surplus? Do the cravings ever go away? Just looking for some ideas to get restarted.

    For me it was understanding what hunger really felt like and accepting that it was ok to feel hungry. I did a juice fast and only allowed myself juice 4 times a day for 5 days. It was difficult but by the 3rd or 4th day I realized that I wasn't going to keel over from hunger and that I felt better than I did when I was stuffing myself full. That was a year and a half ago and I still can't stand being full. I eat several times a day but in smaller amounts. I allow myself to feel hungry before I eat and only eat until satisfied. I've had a few times where I've eaten too much and I am just miserable until my stomach empties out.

    A juice fast, or fast of any kind isn't for everyone. Mine was a spiritual fast as well as a physical one. I do think that it's important to understand what hungry feels like and that it's ok to be hungry.

    Good luck to you!
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    Low carb helps me with cravings. As soon as I eat some carbs, I have the urge to just keep eating! Low carb has been the easiest way for me to "diet". I can stick with this for a lifetime. I usually have a cheat meal/day a week so I don't feel deprived.
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    1. skip breakfast
    2. track your calories via myfitnesspal (try not to go over)
  • Low carb helped me to deal with too large portions and snacking in between. I just feel too stuffed now to keep on eating. I also noticed that high carb and sugar invites me to eat more, I just feel hungry again in no time.

    I have also heard it can help to use smaller plates. People tend to eat the plate empty no matter how large it is.

    I feel the same way. When i eat lots of carbs for snack or meals including meals with lots of sugar I am STARVING not too long after. I will give the small plates a try! thanks
  • 1. skip breakfast
    2. track your calories via myfitnesspal (try not to go over)

    I usually wake up so hungry that I have no energy until I eat breakfast. But i will be tracking my calories faithfully. Thanks
  • Hello. As I REbegin my weight loss journey (for the zillionth time) I'd like some advice from you. For those who started out eating way too much etc. What helped you to gain control? How long did it take to adjust to eating a decent amount rather than eating in surplus? Do the cravings ever go away? Just looking for some ideas to get restarted.

    For me it was understanding what hunger really felt like and accepting that it was ok to feel hungry. I did a juice fast and only allowed myself juice 4 times a day for 5 days. It was difficult but by the 3rd or 4th day I realized that I wasn't going to keel over from hunger and that I felt better than I did when I was stuffing myself full. That was a year and a half ago and I still can't stand being full. I eat several times a day but in smaller amounts. I allow myself to feel hungry before I eat and only eat until satisfied. I've had a few times where I've eaten too much and I am just miserable until my stomach empties out.

    A juice fast, or fast of any kind isn't for everyone. Mine was a spiritual fast as well as a physical one. I do think that it's important to understand what hungry feels like and that it's ok to be hungry.

    Good luck to you!

    Thank you Thank you!!
  • Low carb helps me with cravings. As soon as I eat some carbs, I have the urge to just keep eating! Low carb has been the easiest way for me to "diet". I can stick with this for a lifetime. I usually have a cheat meal/day a week so I don't feel deprived.

    On that cheat day or meal do you end up binging on tons of carbs? I hear about people going this route but I love carbs too much to exclude them, Im content I can have success with lowering them though. Thanks!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Low carb helps me with cravings. As soon as I eat some carbs, I have the urge to just keep eating! Low carb has been the easiest way for me to "diet". I can stick with this for a lifetime. I usually have a cheat meal/day a week so I don't feel deprived.

    On that cheat day or meal do you end up binging on tons of carbs? I hear about people going this route but I love carbs too much to exclude them, Im content I can have success with lowering them though. Thanks!!

    yes, you can..just create a calorie deficit and hit your carb macro goal for the day.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Two things that I am working on changing are eating too fast and eating while distracted. I allow myself to get too hungry and then I eat way more than I should, really fast, so I'm trying to slow down more and focus on the meal. I am trying to get away from eating while doing work or watching tv too. I think if I make more of an effort to appreciate the food, I'll have better control over my portions.

    Also, I think there are some studies that have been done that relate the color and size of the plate you are using to your eating habits. It might be something to look into!
  • I am one who is always eating in front of the tv and I eat way too fast! thanks for the idea!
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    Learn your number.

    Mine is about 600.

    What's the number? It's the number of calories I need to eat for my body to feel like it's had enough to eat. It's different for everybody.

    All my life I ate until I was physically full. That signal does not come for me fast enough. Inevitably I usually ate too much, and I felt stuffed later. Then the glucose/insulin roller coaster ride began and caused me to feel hungry just a few short hours later.

    I started experimenting with how many calories I needed to eat to feel satisfied. Not necessarily full, but not hungry. The satisfaction wasn't immediate. I had to get up from the table still hungry, but then gauged my level of satiety 60-90 minutes later. I found that if I ate a meal that only had 400 calories that my hunger was not satisfied and I ended up eating more. At the 600=700 calorie mark I am satisfied an hour later.

    If you follow the conventional wisdom of frequent smaller meals you'll likely never feel satisfied, resulting in binges and falling off the wagon. Eating in a style that lets you feel satisfied, at least once per day, will help keep you on track for the long term.

    Also, as mentioned by others, try trimming down your level of simple carb/sugar consumption. As much as I love carbs, I admit it reduced cravings when I steered clear of them.
  • Arydria
    Arydria Posts: 179 Member
    What's working for me is logging everything going into my mouth. Then I share my diary with friends and family who keep me accountable. When I look at the Krispy Kreme (or in today's case, crème brulee French toast) I ask myself, "Do I want everyone to see that I've eaten that?" Usually I say no and walk away.

    I also use only the size plate/bowl/glass necessary to hold the portion of food I'm eating. That way the food doesn't look so overwhelmed by a large plate, and I'm not tempted to fill an iced tea glass of milk, when 8 ounces is what I get (and fits nicely in our juice glasses)

    Best of luck to you!
  • Thank you everyone for your input and advice!!