Holiday Eating

Hello everyone. I just started on this site and my diet about a week ago. I think I'm crazy for starting during the holiday season when there's food coming at me from every angle, but I'm trying to stand firm. Does anyone have any advise on holiday eating? Should you let your guard down for just one day?


  • HRCephei36
    I wouldn't set your expectations super high, but I think you can eat in moderation. Letting your guard down from time to time is okay, but when you are first starting out, you want to get some good habits set. That only happens through repetition. If you start out shaky, you may not be able to really establish some good habits.
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    I started my weight loss at the beginniing of a vacation last July. I wasn't a saint to begin with but made some changes and still enjoyed time and meals with family on vacation and also some good ballpark nachos and hot dogs. But I got the ball rolling and amazingly still lost weight on vacation. After vacation I got more serious and started logging and kept dropping weight. I think we can always find a reason to put off working for what we want, the holidays, vacations, birthdays etc etc. I think any small change is better then none. Just get going slowly if you must and build from there. :bigsmile:
  • loosinit42806
    loosinit42806 Posts: 142 Member
    I think we all fall into the trap of one more cookie wont hurt, but I agree set your goal really high,
    Try to only eat one dessert, or only eat Healthy things first then if your still hungry eat the not as healthy dishes.

    I make myself have a salad and eat that first I find that it helps me, but everyone is different, because once my salad is gone I don't have as much room for all the "bad stuff"

    but its ok to eat a cookie at Christmas a piece of pie, just keep the mind set that if you eat that your going to have to work that much harder to burn it off
    good luck!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Learn is an absolutely necessary practice when you get to is a learned practice and you should be taking this opportunity to learn proper nutrition and learn that you can enjoy yourself in moderation and you don't have to deprive yourself to lose weight.

    Also, one day is meaningless in the grand scheme of things and a little overindulgence isn't going to mean jack in the long run. I lost a good amount of my weight from Oct - Jan last year and I definitely overindulged on the holidays themselves...but srsly, there were only two days...absolutely meaningless in the grand scheme.
  • musicboxes
    musicboxes Posts: 133 Member
    You have definitely set yourself for a tough challenge....but you can do it. Just enjoy the holidays, cut your servings, get in some exercise & log everything. This may be tough now, but this will be a breeze after the holidays. Best wishes!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Learn is an absolutely necessary practice when you get to is a learned practice and you should be taking this opportunity to learn proper nutrition and learn that you can enjoy yourself in moderation and you don't have to deprive yourself to lose weight.

    Also, one day is meaningless in the grand scheme of things and a little overindulgence isn't going to mean jack in the long run. I lost a good amount of my weight from Oct - Jan last year and I definitely overindulged on the holidays themselves...but srsly, there were only two days...absolutely meaningless in the grand scheme.

    I recommend the first part, but I have a problem with overindulging. It wouldn't just be one meal or one day, I have to practice moderation all the time. I'm not always successful, but it is what it is.

    I find if I can plan out a little ahead of time, I do better. Also, if going to various parties and family getogethers, bring a healthy side dish, something you know exactly what's in it.