Squats do work!!!

I have been pretty discouraged for a few weeks because the scale hasn't moved. I have been going to the gym and have started adding some weight to my squats with dumbbells and using the stairmaster and AMT machine. I started with a 5lb dumbbell with my squats and am up to 25lbs. I also added in jump squats and sumo squats. Yesterday I was looking at my booty and I am amazed!!! I had only been doing squats with no weight and seeing a little change but now I can really see changes and I am EXCITED!!!

My question is how to proceed with adding more weight. How often and by how much should I add?? I know I also need to be doing lunges and I am going to try really hard to do them.

Any tips and advice will be appreciated!!


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    if you are using the bar bell- you can do it in the power cage with the safety rails set up- just add 5 or 2.5 to each side- as you work up- most people can tell what that last rep before failure feels like- it's shakey and it hurts. If you can do 5-10 reps or so at that weight- you can add weight and do at least 2-3 typically.

    Really it's trial and error and getting used to what your body is telling you. Add the weight- do a rep- see how it feels.

    Make sure you do it with either TWO spotters (one for each side) or in the power cage.

    You learn to know your body- and what it feels like to push it.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    +1 for the power cage. Always use it and haven't needed it to catch me yet but the piece of mind knowing its there is awesome to get you to mentally push yourself more than you would normally.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    knowing HOW to drop it if you fail is VERY important.

    If you are going to lift- you need to know how to fail.

    So do it with the bar- make sure the pins are set at the right hight- sucks dropping a weight on pins too low- ask me how I know.
  • saoulbete
    +1 for the barbell squats. Just make sure you've got good form. (Bar should be resting on the "meaty" part of your shoulder, elbows down, and wrists straight - your hands are more there to hold the bar against your back, they shouldn't be holding any of the weight at all).

    Start with three sets of 5 with just the bar, next time add 5# (a 2.5# plate to either side of the bar) and keep adding 5# every time you're in there. You will have a rear that you can bounce a quarter off of in no time at all.
  • AprilMae1975
    As much as I have dreaded it, I am gonna have to ask someone at the gym to help out. I go to the gym alone and so the dumbbell has been working great because I know what I'm doing. But I want to try the barbell. I am making it my mission this week!! I wish I could teleport one of you guys here to help me LOL!!