Does MFP not recognized Insanity or P90x work outs?

After 20 minutes of insanity (couldnt finish) i wanted to log in my exercise but its not recognized. Am I doing it wrong or is there a way to put it in myself? :noway: :indifferent:


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Add it, if you search and its not there you can add it to your personal database, then it will be there the next time you do it.

    I would guess the reason it isn't there is there are far too many variables to consider to calculate calories burned. Such as reps, time, breaks, how hard you pushed, then the normal ones, age, weight, gender, etc.
  • Since everyone burns calories at different levels, MFP doesn't have it set up. You can add an exercise and put in how many calories you did burn (would need a heart rate monitor).
  • LCFulmer
    LCFulmer Posts: 183 Member
    Nope they don't... although I've added all of P90X, Insanity, and now Insanity Asylum Volum 1; none of them appear in my "frequent" or "recent" workout.
  • jamicroslow
    jamicroslow Posts: 9 Member
    I found this website that gives you a ballpark of what you would burn during a P90X workout.
  • emmanap91
    emmanap91 Posts: 300 Member
    Other responses here are dead-on: too many variables to have a standard for insanity. There are different workouts, you might workout at a different level (push yourself harder) than others, your heart rate/weight/gender/BF% all are very relevant to your calorie burn while doing insanity. They are relevant to other aerobic exercises in the database as well, but those are supposed to be rough estimates anyway.
  • I usually type in aerobic high impact it gives simular to when I look at my hrm.