Well Here I Am...

kaybear85 Posts: 9
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I am 24 yrs old, happy mother of three and wife to the best hubs in the world. I work for a gov't contractor in VA. I wish I could say that I just had a baby and that's why I have gained so much weight, but let me face reality, I had a baby almost 2 YEARS ago. I refuse to use that as an excuse anymore.

I feel disgusted when I look at myself in the mirror. I was a size three (jrs) a little over 4 yrs ago and since then I have had another child and everything about my body right now disgusts me. I am at 185 LBS!!!!!! I thought I was fat at 120! I am on my journey to change my life, to feel pretty again. I want to be told by my husband that I am beautiful again without the "BUT". So here we go, time to take it seriously!


  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP! First off stop feeling disgusted with yourself. You have the ability here to get yourself going in the right direction you want to be in, here. Good luck!
  • kiki17
    kiki17 Posts: 16
    Welcome to MFP! Your taking the inititive to get healthy and you need to pat yourself on the back for that. You can do this!
  • amscobra
    amscobra Posts: 73
    Hi! Welcome to MFP, I feel your pain. I am a mother of 3 kids and my youngest is almost 2, so i have no excuse there either. I am wanting to lose weight for many reasons, but one of them is to be that sexy wife my hubby can be proud of. When we met and married i was 106, now, 12 years later, I was my heaviest at 180lbs. I started my life style change, and weight loss journey 5 weeks ago today, and have lost 12lbs! I couldn't be happier, I feel better than i did just 5 weeks ago and I can tell that even the stretching is becoming easier. I wish you luck and please add me as a friend, i'd love to be a support system for you in this journey.
  • Thank you all. I hope that I can get through this. I have a very supportive husband and he is great! Best wishes to all of you as well.
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