Losing it

My boyfriend and I were hit hard with bad news a few weeks ago. We found out on a Thursday that the warehouse that he works for is closing, and so he will be out of a job on October 9th. That following Monday I went to my job only to be told that I was being given my 2 week notice because the company is restructuring and making changes. We have been doing our best to stay positive in all of this, and generally we have been handling it ok. BUT my eating is OUT. OF. CONTROL. I dont even know how to turn it around from here. I am still sticking to my vegetarian guidelines, but I am binging on chips and muffins and cookies and chocolate...and soy ice cream. OMG I cannot get enough. I need someone to slap me and wake me up from this daze. Its like the only way I can stay calm in the face of this is to eat....I tried to reign in on the eating but then my anxiety levels went nuts....I dont know what to do! Someone help please??


  • MrsLawsonNavyBrat2B
    Im sorry to hear about your and your husbands jobs. I would say to immediately apply for unemployment and then begin job searching....now i understand about the food cuz i am a very emotional eater. Try and go hang out with friends and incorporate some exercise (like go walk around the mall or in a park if the day is nice). Try to keep your head up and stay positive. Everything happens for a reason even if you can see the reason right now. If you ever need to talk i am here =)
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Wow - you do have a lot on your plate to deal with. As a therapist, I think the binge eating is a trauma response to the stress. The more stressed you are, the more cortisol and other chemicals are released in the brain, causing your trauma response to kick in. For some the trauma response is a desire to flee the scene of the trauma - for you, it sounds like you eat because you can find no avenue of escape - eating is your escape. So, having said that, I recommend that you find other solutions to help self-soothe when you feel trapped in a situation. Another response given to you also suggested that you get to the unemployment office and begin looking for another job right away - that is a great suggestion - the reason it is so great is that "DOING SOMETHING WILL GIVE YOU BACK THE SENSE OF CONTROL" that you feel you have lost as a result of the current events. Think back to another time in your life when you felt completely helpless and you "DIDN'T EAT" as a coping strategy and you were "SUCCESSFUL" in dealing with the event. What did you do then? Did you cry? Did you yell? Did you sleep? What did you do that helped you get through that event without food? It may be challenging to find that one event, but keep searching your mind until you can find one - it may even be a really small event, i.e. stubbed your toe as a little girl, mom wasn't there to kiss and make it better - what did you do? You can do this - you can create a new way of dealing with the stress - you just need to find the strategy that works best for you.
