Can't get eating under control

jldodd Posts: 16
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I did south beach for a week then quit because it makes me feel sick. I lost 4 pounds but I can do that in a week without doing South Beach. I used to be able to at least. Has anyone tried Weight Watchers? I'd like to just stick to my 1200 calories a day but i only do it for like 3 days in a row. I have discipline issues! I have lost weight in the past, but I can't seem to get started this time. I can't get lower than 164 before I pig out and ruin everything. I need some help and advice from someone who was in my shoes once.

Please help me.


  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I don't really have any advice, but I am right there with you. I just can't control my sweet tooth. I will do so well all day, and then destroy my hard work with brownies, honey buns, etc. Or, I will just binge on anything laying around. I have never tried any organized weight loss programs. I just don't think I could stick to it.
  • randilea
    randilea Posts: 140
    I did Weight Watchers and although I did lose some weight it isn't for me. Being restricted to 23 points was much more intimidating then 1200 calories. Also I found that when I ate out a lot of stuff wasn't on there. It just became more of a hassle then I thought it was worth. On the other hand, I do know some people that have had great success on WW. Unfortunately the problems you describe you will have whether you do calories or points. I am having similar struggles as you. My main problem is portion size. I have been able to get past the snacking but learning what a "normal" portion size is is my current battle. Good luck to you.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Two things - 1) Don't expect to lose 4 lbs/week - that's unrealistic and you're just setting yourself up for disappointment.

    2) I'm on a 1200 cal/day diet now. It's tough, but one of the BEST ways to make it easier is by working out! This earns you more calories to eat for the day -you worked hard for it, so eat them! Your body needs the extra fuel! I don't usually eat back 100%, but some days I get close. I usually aim to eat 50-75% of my exercise calories. When I eat healthy food, drink enough water, watch sodium, exercise, and eat back most of my exercise calories I succesfully lose weight every week.
  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    May I ask why you want to stick to just 1200? I eat anywhere from 1400-1800 a day. depending on exercise. I have MFP set for 1500 cals a day and I will not go below that either. I will up my exercise instead. I eat more now than I did before. More nutritious food and less junk processed and only drink water and orange juice a couple times week. I am never hungry and never just want to eat. Every morning I fill in my food diary for the day, plan what I am going to eat etc. Doing it this way makes me feel like I can stick with this. I do not deny myself food either if I want some chocolate or something sweet I allow myself a small portion. Denying yourself things is doom to failure in my opinion.
  • I know it's been mentioned before, but honestly, what seems to fill me up are high-fiber foods. Lots of water and snacking on those seem to occupy the space in my tummy that is longing for junk food. I have a huge appetite now that I teach aerobics, and the only thing that seems to keep the hunger at bay is to up my fiber intake and have it with lots of water.
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