Staying focused - this site is such a help

I am trying, trying, trying to stay focused thru the Holiday season. Have lots of challenges with friends, parties, and just the general cookies and Holiday foods. Have lost 15 pounds and don't want to put any on - will be happy for two weeks to maintain. Does anyone else have ideas for just helping stay focused. I log in most days and try to be honest with my intake. I weight every morning. Do most of you weigh that often? I think it helps me. Will welcome any ideas. Thank you.


  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    i think its perfectly fine to do maintenance during the holiday, in fact it will probably help you feel more sane not stressing about over indulging. the plus side is that eating a maintenance for a few weeks before dieting again can actually help you lose weight. Atleast that is my experience, sometimes i just feel a bit burned out so i eat higher for a couple weeks and when i get back at it the pounds come off more quickly, it probably does help that after resting from my diet for a bit i am able to regain the motivation i need to continue on. I guess my advice on maintaining is not to over think it, try to eat healthy and watch the snacking. i weigh in about twice a week, usually friday and monday to monitor how good/bad ive been over the weekend since that is usually the only time i go crazy. sometimes weighing in everyday motivates me so much and sometimes it just depresses me. weighing in twice a week is a nice medium for me.
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    I am trying, trying, trying to stay focused thru the Holiday season. Have lots of challenges with friends, parties, and just the general cookies and Holiday foods. Have lost 15 pounds and don't want to put any on - will be happy for two weeks to maintain. Does anyone else have ideas for just helping stay focused. I log in most days and try to be honest with my intake. I weight every morning. Do most of you weigh that often? I think it helps me. Will welcome any ideas. Thank you.

    And I quote "Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try."

    Yes, I admit I check my weight daily. It varies by about 2 lbs (up or down) each day. As long as over time it is heading down, I am happy.

    Short term goal: log in every day for the holidays, and be absolutely honest about what you eat.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I don't how much time you will have, but motivating others helps me stay motivated. Try to post on everyone's updates, hang out on the boards, especially the Success Board. Giving positive posts will help you stay positive!