

  • splitaces
    So for the past week I have noticed some weight gain but I have been super stressed for my final exams lately and plus it was almost that time of the month so I thought it made sense. Well that time is about over for me and I am taking finals currently and I don't feel very stressed about it anymore but I still am up by 11 pounds more than normal!!! I'm freaking out! Why?!?!?! I eat very healthily, this week I have been eating a little more because it is that time but I make sure everything is very healthy. I also have not gone to workouts but my workouts are mainly strength so I thought if anything I would lose some weight this week because I haven't been working my muscles as much. I have been drinking more water and tea but would that give 11 pounds????? Can someone explain what could possibly be happening to me and how to fix it???? I'm freaking out haha. Thanks.
    it could be because ur anxiety, when u have too much anxiety some people tend to eat as a way of getting rid of it, i suggest that anytime u feel like eating, if its not the proper time, go do something to burn the energy, fitness, etc.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Noticing a weight gain last week doesn't necessarily mean it all HAPPENED in a week. If I'm busy/stressed, things like weekly weigh ins and measuring are usually the first thing forgotten.
  • Peachygirl14
    What do you mean by "healthy"? If you are eating those granola bars" with "healthy" labels not "low fat"(but replaced with lots of sugar), then that is not eating healthy.

    How much carbs do you eat vs protein and fibrous food?
  • avocadoshaped
    avocadoshaped Posts: 35 Member
    Stress+Salty Snacks = Water Retention. Drink more water balance your sodium and weight will go down.

    Also don't worry about the daily number worry about the trends. No way you are tripling your daily calorie intake. Also stay away from the lattes or other fancy coffee beverages. You don't even want to know what is in some of that stuff.
  • abzleone
    abzleone Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone! Thanks for the advice! I bet it was water and the stress plus the lack of exercise. My weight has gone back half way down but im not done with everything yet but it's getting there. Yeah I weigh with the same scale but one time it was on carpet instead of hard ground so that may have changed my results a bit haha. Thank you everyone!!
  • abzleone
    abzleone Posts: 9 Member
    Haha thanks! For the luck and the advice:)
  • abzleone
    abzleone Posts: 9 Member
    By healthy I mean that my usual day is the following: Oatmeal for breakfast Salad with grapes for lunch, another salad with soup and nuts for dinner.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    It's not impossible to gain 11 pounds in a week if you eat 38,500 per week, or 5,500 over your TDEE each day. Believe me, it can be done.

    But she says she's still eating 'within her range'.

    I'm guessing that the "11 lbs. more than normal" means "more than some past weight that was not actually a week ago".

    I used to believe I was eating in my range too when I was way overeating and gaining weight.

    It happens. It could be partial water, but I doubt it's ALL water.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You've gained 11 lbs. in a WEEK? That's water.

    Though you better weigh those nuts, if you're calorie counting. Or count them out. If you have nuts daily and are 50% off on the amount, that adds up quickly.

    Agreed that it's not actually real weight gain. 11 pounds in a week is impossible.

    I tend to disbelieve it's water unless there is something physically wrong.

    It's not impossible to gain 11 pounds in a week if you eat 38,500 per week, or 5,500 over your TDEE each day. Believe me, it can be done.
    Challenge excepted !!! lol...

    Two things i read to make it water (well mostly)... 1. Very stressed due to finals, 2. TOM.

    You might have some new fat due to lack of exercise, but 90% is probably water.


    It could very well be some water. Seriously, at one time in my life, I gained weight so fast that it made my head spin.It took forever to lose it.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    By healthy I mean that my usual day is the following: Oatmeal for breakfast Salad with grapes for lunch, another salad with soup and nuts for dinner.

    That's what like 1,000 calories a day? Is your diary open? That might help people give you more concrete feedback.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    By healthy I mean that my usual day is the following: Oatmeal for breakfast Salad with grapes for lunch, another salad with soup and nuts for dinner.

    That's what like 1,000 calories a day? Is your diary open? That might help people give you more concrete feedback.

    That's a lot of salad :huh: