Jogging Question

I have been jogging for the past month and what I am wondering is... can anyone tell me what the accurate amount of calories would be if I jog on the treadmill for 42 minutes at 4.8 mph how many calories I am burning.
Fitness Pal does not have that option to choose from in the exercise category.
I do not trust the calorie counter on the treadmill. They say those are not accurate.


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Google "treadmill calculator". I find it seems a bit high, so I shave some off. Also, a rule of thumb. Of sorts is 100 calories per mile. I find MFP & Sparkpeople typically give me around 80 or so per mile for the weight I'm at. I think the 100 calorie rule is for someone weighing around 180, I can't remember now.
  • geerunz
    geerunz Posts: 163 Member
    A closer estimation, mulitply your weight x .63 x miles

    150 x.63 x3=283.50
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    A closer estimation, mulitply your weight x .63 x miles

    150 x.63 x3=283.50
    This is exactly what treadmill does for you, it weights you while you are on it and uses this equation. So it won't be more accurate than treadmill.

    What I would do is just pick the closest on this website which is 5 mph. 0.2 mph really makes like no difference in calorie burn. If you wanna be so accurate you might as well measure how much calories you burn brushing teeth or something, it's to a point of being pedantic.