Starting Over for the Millionth Time



  • cvstokke
    cvstokke Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks for the response - I really enjoyed your perspective and encouragement! I have the bare minimum set to 4 days at 30 minutes per day because of my lunchtime gym routine (I only have 30 minutes by the time I change etc), but my ultimate goal is to be going either before or after work for 30 minutes a couple days a week too. Ultimately, I'd like to be working out a total of 4-5 hours per week, but want to set a realistic "minimum" goal so I don't get discouraged. I'll add you for encouragement!
    MADDIESMOMMY6611 Posts: 140 Member
    I feel like a could of written your post. It's like I'm constantly "starting over". I lost 40 lbs in 5 months in 2012 and felt amazing, like I was on top of the world! But then I had to get a full-time job and it through off my routine. It's a year and a half later and I'm trying to find a new routine that works with my schedule. Sounds easy? It never is!

    People don't understand how hard it is to eat better and smaller portions, cut out a part of your day and replace it with exercise and find the motivation and focus to keep at it every day. That's why this site is so great, finding people who can relate and support you.

    I think 1.7 lbs/week is definitely maintainable. I lost 7 lbs/month by just doing cardio 4 days a week and sticking to 1200 calories (also eating exercise calories) but everyone's body is different. I sent you a request because I am always looking for people to keep me motivated and to help motivate too.
  • CharChary
    CharChary Posts: 220 Member
    You can do this lady. You've set some pretty tough standards but you can do them with discipline. It's not easy to change your lifestyle but it can be done with hard work. It's going to take will power and you pushing yourself to get where you wanna be.
  • beckyconnatser
    beckyconnatser Posts: 5 Member
    I start over every week, i end up failing on the weekends.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I really like where you got to, I hope it works well for you!
    I took everyone's advice into consideration and decided to adjust my MFP goal to 1 lb per week putting me at a net calorie goal of 1440 per day. I think this will keep me from getting discouraged and giving up and is also probably more sustainable.

    Final goals:
    -Exercise 4 days per week at least 30 minutes (easily do-able with lunchtime gym)
    -Eliminate wheat one meal per day due to allergy (usually breakfast)
    -1 lb average loss per week
    -Drink 64+ oz of water per day
    -TRY to not eat after 8 PM (this isn't due to any science around late eating, I'm just bad about late night grazing when I'm not hungry)
    -Get more sleep
    -Clothes fit better by April / feel better about myself (rather than scale goal)
    -Ultimate goal of 145 lbs
    -Long term increase in health and energy
  • inktink
    inktink Posts: 135 Member
    Just curious what about them is aggressive?

    Also for the person who said not to eliminate food groups, I totally agree. The only reason I'm trying to reduce my wheat intake is because of the allergy. I'm realistic in knowing I can't cut it out completely because I like things like pizza too much :)

    You are taking it to the "max" in every way. Start small. Strive to workout 2-3 times a week. When you hit that goal, you can increase.

    Basically, no one runs out and climbs Kilamanjaro on their first day hiking, even if they've climbed it before. You have to start at the bottom and work your way up.
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    I took everyone's advice into consideration and decided to adjust my MFP goal to 1 lb per week putting me at a net calorie goal of 1440 per day. I think this will keep me from getting discouraged and giving up and is also probably more sustainable.

    Final goals:
    -Exercise 4 days per week at least 30 minutes (easily do-able with lunchtime gym)
    -Eliminate wheat one meal per day due to allergy (usually breakfast)
    -1 lb average loss per week
    -Drink 64+ oz of water per day
    -TRY to not eat after 8 PM (this isn't due to any science around late eating, I'm just bad about late night grazing when I'm not hungry)
    -Get more sleep
    -Clothes fit better by April / feel better about myself (rather than scale goal)
    -Ultimate goal of 145 lbs
    -Long term increase in health and energy

    Awesome! Good luck. And remember, if you go over some times or something like that - that is not failing. Just pick up and keep going on every day and you are succeeding.