hurt my wrist....cant do p90x...very disappointed! :(

Hi all..I have struggling to lose weight for past few years...then found myfitnesspal and P90x at the same time about a month ago...

And i started both together about 20 days ago...and lost 6 lbs already....i was so excited!

But sucks...i hurt my wrist really bad yesterday..will be in cast for atleast 4-6 weeks as per the doctor! :(

I am so disappointed!!! :(

My birthday is coming up in october, and i will turn 30

I was sooooo motivated that i will be fit, healthy and pretty by the time i turn 30..but dont know so sad right now!

I have tried so many diff excercises in past 2 years...but p90x is the only program so far that i felt motivated and excited about...i was so upset that i even cried yesterday....

my boy-friend thinks i am over-reacting...coz i can still treadmill/cycling...but i dont know why...i never liked going to the gym...

guess...this is time for me to stop making excuses...and continue working towards achieving my goals..but sucks...i am soooo disappointed!!!! :(


  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I hate the gym too...But there is a free gym and its awesome, and its Outside, whoot whoot!!!!....Go walking or jogging outside, do that until your cast is off and you can continue back on your P90X

    Feel better soon
  • tierra85
    tierra85 Posts: 300 Member
    I understand but don't let it bring you down!! I'd keep tracking food and just start running. Its only 6 weeks of your life and hopefully you'll be able to go back to P90X after that!! Even if you bough another fun DVD like Hip Hop Abs or something. Stay motivated!! I know you can do it. Even though you might not be doing P90X right now you can still BRING IT!! Good Luck love!!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You can still do some P90 X workouts (plyo X, Ab ripper X, Kempo x (most of it) the legs portion of legs and back)
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    It will be ok.....I really love taking walks especially at night when it has cooled down and it is so peaceful....I wear a HRM so I can track calories and hopefully in 4 months or so you can do P90X.....As far as the diet...Honestly I think it is better to loose as much of the weight before starting to tone things up.
  • GoChips333
    GoChips333 Posts: 12 Member
    You could still do the Ab Ripper X.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Watch the calories you can loose weight still and do what you can cardio wise. Dont throw the towel in. keep moving and get your heart rate up. That will burn the calories
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Yep!!! You can still do the Plyometrics, Cardio X, Ab Ripper X, and half of the leg and back workout (just fast forward through the back exercises). YOU CAN DO IT.
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    I'm in a similar cast, but can't do anything shoulder bearing for 4-6 weeks (slight seperation). I was really bummed too at first, but like some of the others said, I will try to do the other P90x stuff. This might even be a good time to start the C25k program.

    Hope you heal quickly!