What to replace in my normal intake?

Female, 19 years old, 5 ft 1 in
HW: 146 pounds
CW: 134 pounds
GW: 115-120 pounds

My normal intake today (I eat like this normally):

around 3-4 cups of pepsi (1-2 when I'm not working)
pepperoni pizza hot pocket
snacks such as a handful of peanut m&ms

I usually skip breakfast, and drink sodas like pepsi or mountain dew. For lunch I usually eat something frozen that can be microwaved like a hot pocket or sometimes tyson chicken nuggets. When I go to work I usually skip dinner but eat whatever I find when I get home. If I can find nothing I usually just don't eat and go to bed shortly after. I know that my eating is unhealthy. My max goal on mfp is 1200 calories per day. Most days I can't eat up to this amount. And other days when I binge and over-eat (causing myself to feel sick) I eat way over my calorie limit and feel terrible about it. I know I must do something about this because I want to lose some weight and tone all of my flabby 'muscles'. I am in the overweight category for my height. my bmi is 25.1 . >25 is considered overweight. I should weigh around 115-120.

About the only exercise I get is when I go to work. I am on my feet walking, and running about the restaurant for about 5 hours. I am not working a lot lately (maybe 2-3 days per week) and will be going to college soon so I will become even more sedentary besides walking to and from classes.

What are some exercises I can do to tone my body but allow me to lose weight at the same time? And what are some foods that I could replace in my daily diet to help me lose the weight? I know that I am 19 years old and I need to be able to take control of my weight and my body.


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    At this point I strongly suggest that you go see a nutritionist that will teach you what a normal and healthy diet is. You're not gaining weight right now because you're very active, but when it changes, your weight is going to shoot up.