What do you do to avoid mindless snacking?

Lately I've noticed that when I plop down at my computer (by the kitchen, I might add) to finish up some unavoidable work (around 10 pm or so), I have started to cave in to cravings while I'm working. First night it was too much chocolate, second night it was white cheddar cheez-its and goldfish crackers, and last night it was black bean tortilla chips. It's either chocolate, or something salty crunchy. This late night snacking, right before bed, is not something that I want to continue.

So, I want to hear what you all do to minimize giving in to your cravings.


  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    for me I don't stop myself from snacking, its what I choose that I have to watch out for.

    Try baking some snacks before you get to work.

    baked chickpeas are amazing
    pita chips are a good sub for potato chips
    cut carrots and bake those fif you are craving fries
    for chocolate, try extra dark chocolate instead of milk or white
    cut some celery and put some peanut butter on it and add some raisins (bugs on a stick I think its called)
    any fruit (personal fav is apples)

    and of course when you snack, drink water or tea to flush out any unwanted salts.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I chew gum like there's no tomorrow. Get a very strong flavored one that will linger in your mouth after you spit it out. Eucalipis flavored chips are not good.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Hot sugarless beverages. Also I don't start. Because if I do, that's the end, Miss Lizard Brain will spend the rest of the day nagging me to eat more.

    (Before someone accuses me of having a split personality: http://thelizard-brain.com/definitions/def_li.html

    The term Lizard-Brain is a light-hearted way of describing the most primitive part of our human brain.)
  • jess135177
    jess135177 Posts: 186 Member
    I drink tea.
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks emmie! Those are all great ideas! My problem is usually by the end of the night, I've pretty much used up the majority of my allotted calories for the day. I'm a tea freak, so I will drink tea like there's no tomorrow. However, the problem is when I want to chew on something crunchy and salty late at night while I'm working on the computer.

    As far as chocolate, I ALWAYS go dark.:glasses:
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    Goth - that's a great idea. I will have to try that one.
  • Rosyone
    Rosyone Posts: 74 Member
    Try making it less mindless. Plan for and budget the calories for a bedtime snack.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    Game.. but I'll usually play something that requires two hands, driving game, FPS, RPGs, etc... that way I can't mindlessly grab into a bag
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    "Lizard brain = the male brain." That is too funny!
  • tyrsnbdr
    tyrsnbdr Posts: 234 Member
    I chew gum like there's no tomorrow. Get a very strong flavored one that will linger in your mouth after you spit it out. Eucalipis flavored chips are not good.

    This what I do... My office desk if full of gum. I also drink tons of water.
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    Game.. but I'll usually play something that requires two hands, driving game, FPS, RPGs, etc... that way I can't mindlessly grab into a bag

    I don't do video games, except wii with my kids (but that's not my "problem time"). But that is a great idea. When i'm up late working on the computer, I type with both hands, but I still manage to fanagle a "fist in bag of chips" maneuver.
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    "Lizard brain = the male brain." That is too funny!

    But I will also add that my own brain is rather reptilian at times.
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    Try making it less mindless. Plan for and budget the calories for a bedtime snack.

    THAT is a great idea. Thanks!
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Pistachios in shell work for me. i still get to much on something crunchy and salty, but you can't eat them by the handful, and de-shelling each one slows you down a lot, so you eat a lot less.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Is there any place else to work? I try to clean up after dinner and get out of the kitchen because the sight of food just gets you thinking about it. Either that or clean up the area so you are not looking at any food.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Yep, gum ^^

    I've finally gotten out of the habit of snacking at work (after 3 months!). I tell myself that I can wait 15-20 minutes before I snack on something. Usually by then the craving is gone or I've forgotten about it.

    Still struggling at home, but I have eliminated eating at the computer and while I'm playing video games. Still need to work on while I'm just watching TV. I make jewelry too, so while I'm doing that my hands are completely occupied.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    "Lizard brain = the male brain." That is too funny!

    It's the primitive brain. I knew I should have quoted from a different site, but it was the first google hit when I double checked to make sure the term was even still around and that first sentence summed it up so nicely. :happy:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I hold myself accountable to my diary... Pretty much, once I'm out of calories, eating is just not an option. I want to lose weight... that means I have to stay under my goal (except those freak days when I'm too starving). So if I want to obsess about food... I plan the next day's menu instead of what I'm going to eat now. I don't know why, but it works for me.
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    Is there any place else to work? I try to clean up after dinner and get out of the kitchen because the sight of food just gets you thinking about it. Either that or clean up the area so you are not looking at any food.

    Technically it's not the kitchen. It's one of those home office alcoves that is adjacent (i.e. 4 steps from the fridge, 3 steps from the pantry) to the kitchen area. I've thought about moving my laptop and associated paperwork to my bedroom and working from there, but there isn't a desk there as I'm trying to keep that space for bedroom activities only :tongue:
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    I hold myself accountable to my diary... Pretty much, once I'm out of calories, eating is just not an option. I want to lose weight... that means I have to stay under my goal (except those freak days when I'm too starving). So if I want to obsess about food... I plan the next day's menu instead of what I'm going to eat now. I don't know why, but it works for me.

    That is some serious willpower!!! Usually I'm pretty good about being disciplined, except when I'm pre-menstrual, as is the case now.