Pull up program for those who can do 0-1



  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    I'd imagine his programs would work, but if I couldn't do pullups, I'd use one of the machines that assists someone with pull ups or perhaps use a 'Band" wrapped over the bar and under a foot for some assistance, or just strengthen up with some overhead lat pulls until the strength develops

    for me, the lat pull downs themselves were never going to get me there. i'm not sure why, logically it seems it would, maybe i wasn't aggressive enough in going up in weight. for me it didn't happen until i just got on the bar and kept doing what i could until i finally started doing them.

    although the movement appears identical, somehow lat pull downs feel a lot different to me.

    Same logic as using machines vs free weights. Lat pull down machine doesn't work the small stabilizer muscles.

    For eg. No core stability required on the machine. You sit down and pull down.

    For bar pullups, you need to have your core tight and engaged.

    Just one example of many
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    You don't have to do pullups to get better at pullups.

    You can just do bent over rows(diff grips/variations) with 0 vertical muscle training and still improve signifiantly at deadhang pullups.


    I'm 6 feet 245 lbs. I could do 0 strict pullup 4 months ago. Now I can do 6 strict chest to bar pullups and 8-10 strict regular pullups.

    Never did pullups or lat pulldowns. Just worked on my grip and did tons of bent over rows with diff. grips(and heavy - 225 +)

    Google YO ELLIOT . He's a well known trainer --> he says the exact same thing.... and it works.
  • keithemp
    Negative reps are good, but I'd also check if your gym has assistance bands that you can use to assist you while doing pull ups. Do a few reps with the assistance band until you can't do anymore, then do your negatives immediately after (no rest period).

    Ex - If you can do 8 assisted pull ups on first set, then do 8 negatives right after
    Second set, you manage to do 6 pull ups, do 6 negatives.
    Third set, 5 pull ups, do 5 negatives.

    This will allow you to get a feel for the exercise, and how to trigger and engage all the proper muscles while working on form.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I got a cheapo golds gym one that was similar, like 20-30 bucks. If it matters to you check the weight limit on the bar, most of them have a limit of something like 200 to 240lbs. I was exactly 240 when I started using it. It'd strain and bend a bit but hold me. I just wouldn't want to try and do a running jump at it. :wink:
    I have the Gold's Gym one too that I think I got at Walmart for $18 or something like that. It works great.