I need help getting back on track

Hi all
I got back in here after 2 months and that is bad but i am going to try again. I was doing great going to the gym 2-3 times a week, and eating around 1500-1800 calories a day. I used to go to the gym with a ex friend and once she lost all this weight she got too cocky and made me feel bad about how i was doing. I know she has a right to brag but I need people that are going to encourage me not put me down. I was just wondering what do you think i should do to get motivation back? I am 5'2 and weight about 207-212 i am not sure i haven't weighed myself in 2 months but i know i need to. I want to get to about 150-170 because i am a bigger build in general. I just hope i can start over and this time lose the rest of the weight and be healthy. If anyone needs any support or you are in the same position i am feel free to add me or comment below. Thank you all and Merry Christmas!


  • dustin807
    dustin807 Posts: 8 Member
    I think an easy way to get my motivation back is to set a goal. You might find it easier to become and stay motivated if you stopped focusing on calories consumed and pounds lost, and started focusing on performance and increasing your level of performance.

    Instead setting a goal of achieving a 150-170 lb bodyweight, instead set a goal of being able to perform 200 jumping jacks in under 5 minutes. Or set a goal of being able to perform 100 consecutive pushups. Or set a goal of being able to perform a sub 4 minute mile.

    Then dedicate the next year of your life to destroying that goal.

    Then set another (performance based) goal, then destroy it.

    I never focus on losing weight or eating less (or even eating healthy). I simply focus on getting stronger, or getting faster, or both.

    Do that, and everything else will probably take care of itself.

    Once you become someone who can do something physically impressive (like 200 jumping jacks in five minutes or 100 consecutive pushups) you may discover that you don't need to restrict your caloric intake to 1500-1800 calories/day in order to achieve your fitness goals.

    Son of a Gun...I know national level fitness competitor who consume more calories than that per day.

    I couldn't last 2 months if I was restricting myself to that amount, if I was focusing on that goal.

    Find something physical that you enjoy. Bike riding, running, burpees, whatever, and then become a complete bad *kitten* at it.

    And then, if you do this for a year, really dedicate yourself to becoming a freaking monster at some physical activity, and then you find that you still haven't achieved your desired fitness level, then...and only then...consider a 1500-1800 calorie/day diet.

    What have you got to lose trying it this way?

    My Government professor used to tell me that if what you are doing is not working; do something else.

    Change it up a bit. Maybe you'll find your motivation again.
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    If you want to weigh 150 and count calories, use one of many calculators on the web. Make sure you use the weight that you want to be at for your calculation. After all, that is the amount you need to eat to weigh 150. You weigh more because you eat more.

    Motivation - is there something that you really want to do, but your weight prohibits it? For me, I love riding my motorcycle. They do not make motorcycle pants for fat girls. I have to wear jeans. But, I am not allowed on the track unless I am in leather. I also get really winded hiking uphill. I love to hike up mountains and am tired of slowing others down. I want to keep up. What do you like to do or want to do?
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I'm sorry your friend treated you badly. Sure, she should feel proud of her accomplishment, but making you feel bad shouldn't be a part of that.
    I've been completely off track for the past 3 months. It started when I wanted to take a short break from logging. Then I dealt with some overtraining and took some time off from lifting. Here I am three months later and struggling to get back into working out and staying close to my calorie goal. I like working out so that really isn't the issue for me. It's FOOD. It can be so hard to get back on track, but honestly, I know what to do. I just need to be disciplined, tell myself no to certain things, and focus on my goals.

    I need to weigh myself, too. :embarassed:
    LINIA Posts: 1,159 Member
    Consider getting a prescription to take for a few months to help you a little bit to curb your appetite.

    Of Course, you will work with your Health Care professional to decide what is best for you.

    Meridia, Wellbutrin, Victoza ---3 months or so with careful and diligent Physician care could assist you greatly.

    Sometimes, people just need help...i am your height ( maybe a bit shorter) and can tell you that you are damaging your knees, your back and overworking the organs of your body at your current weight. Don't be afraid to expect your Dr to give you the help you need to avoid diabetes and/or other medical issues.

    Good Luck
  • WalkingQueen1979
    WalkingQueen1979 Posts: 119 Member
    Thank you all for the advice and support. I did well today and walked 3 miles its a start. I like to walk and once i get to the gym i use the ellipitcal trainer, and the bike usually. Sometimes I do strength training, I hope to go back to that. I do agree it will take one day at at time and i am ready to start over. I was doing great i got down to 190( for me it was a miracle getting under 200) I am going to take it day by day. Have a good day everybody :)
  • WalkingQueen1979
    WalkingQueen1979 Posts: 119 Member
    I meant during the summer i got under 200. My goal is do more exercise and get under 200