HELP WITH CRAVINGS? Not weight loss related?

Hey all!

So lately, my cravings have been INSANE. (Background info, I used to suffer from orthorexia, which is an obsession with eating healthy- I hadn't had cake in years- not even on my birthday! I've gotten better recently, but it's still a struggle). Over the last few days, however, I've been tossing my usual (nut and cheese packed, yum) salad or afternoon fruit for a bowl of chocolate chips, peanut butter, sugary cereal, candy- anything that fits into my calories! of course, this leaves me feeling sick and regretful afterwards, but I can't seem to stop!

I usually LOVE to eat healthy, but now when I wake up in the morning all I want is sugary cereal, and I figured out that I can have a couple Christmas cookies for lunch for the same calories as my usual salad, crackers and fruit. How do you keep up your motivation to eat healthy when your body (or, more likely, mind! hehe) is wanting nothing but sugary junk? Help!
Thanks in advance!