What is your Zombie Plan?



  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    As for the zombies...

    Gather the family, hit a sporting goods store and stock up on weapons (ranged AND melee) and survival gear, hit a pharmacy and stock up on food, water and medical supplies (bandages, antibiotics and pain pills -- the essentials!), hit the road and head for Alaska!
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    We already have an *kitten* kicking zombie crew made up of a bomb-maker, a weapons expert (hubby was in the Army,) medic, (friend's hubby), close range tactical fighter (because I'm Mexi and my buddy is Filipino, we're great with a knife and machete :laugh: ) and a leader.

    Our plan is simple. First get to the Costco where there are limited entrances and plenty of food and supplies.

    Make our way to the Big 5 (weapons and ammo) on our way to the Bass Pro Shop and take out as many zombies as possible!

    Woot! Woot! We are ready!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    LOL I love that you mention Costco... I akways tell everyone I want to be at Super WalMart when the zombie apocalypse hits, because they have...everything (including guns and ammo) Costco has a lot of food, but no weapons :smokin:
  • groggyfrog
    I only learned to fly small planes in air cadets so we would head to the small airport on centre island. Most likely we will be at the theatre mid-performance of Romeo and Juliet or Macbeth (our most common performances) so we take the swords and the file. Use the file to sharpen the blades instead of smooth them down. Fly to the arctic and spend most the time learning to fight the elements more than the stiff frozen zombies.
  • jez838
    jez838 Posts: 216
    This is hillarious I had a dream about being chased by Zombies just last week. My instinct was to collect my family and drive to the local football (Soccer) club building which is in a park so you can see things coming and has shutters all around the ground floor.
    I also remember ringing my Mum, Dad and Sister because I don't think they've ever seen a Zombie movie so I had to tell them what to do. I'd also use my hurl (Kind of an Irish baseball bat) as a weapon.
  • fat_forever
    I just saw the latest Resident Evil movie in 3-D and I still have some questions......if the zombies are dead, how can you kill them? They are already dead, right?

    If the zombies are dead, then doesn't that mean that their heart is no longer beating? If their heart is no longer beating, how can they bleed after you shoot them?

    Next, why do the zombies only go after people who aren't zombies? Why don't they kill each other? If they don't find any non-zombies to eat, won't they eventually starve?
  • jez838
    jez838 Posts: 216
    I saw that too over the weekend. I loved it but my boyfriend thought it ripped off the matrix and other films. The shower bit with the giant thing was kind of like the troll in bathroom scene in HP1.

    Answers to questions:

    These questions seem to be arising from particular moments in RE Afterlife 3D.

    if the zombies are dead, how can you kill them? They are already dead, right? Its a film based on a computer game and in a computer game you have more than one life.

    If the zombies are dead, then doesn't that mean that their heart is no longer beating? If their heart is no longer beating, how can they bleed after you shoot them? Its a film based on a computer game and in a computer game you don't have a proper anatomy.

    These questions are more about the Zombie Philosophies:

    Next, why do the zombies only go after people who aren't zombies? They like fresh meat and have the urge to pass on the infection/curse.

    Why don't they kill each other? See above.

    If they don't find any non-zombies to eat, won't they eventually starve? Yes they do starve and die out when they don't get fresh meat in most of the genre.

    They're my opinions. Any one else have any different ideas?
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    Grab the "decorative" swords on the wall to chop off heads
    Run to Sears across the street from my house with my kids and my elderly neighbors.

    OH NO! The zombies are closing in! Stab neighbor in the leg, and run! RUN RUN RUN!