Hello! Sort of New

I have been doing this fora few weeks now, and I realized the only problem I have with weight loss is eating. I need help, knowing what foods to eat, that would help with this, because when ever I loose, I tend to regain it again. I mean I am exercising, doing insanity everyday, and even though it is hard, I still get through it. Can someone help me? I have been dealing with this since 4th grade and I am in high school, and I want to be bikini read for the beach. I am currently 25 pounds over weight and it would mean so much to me for someone to give me advice!!!


  • LipstickOn
    I have the same problem :embarassed: ... The thing that worked for me was eating "clean" (no junk food, sugary drinks, bread, eating more vegies and fruits) but that didn't last for more than 5 months lol Yoplait light was my BFF so maybe you could try that? I lost A LOT of weight... The only reason I stopped was because I had to eat school lunches (which were nasty and unhealthy).
    So it's not impossible to have a clean diet, the only problem is that you're gonna have to plan your meals and such
    I'm trying to eat healthy again but it's hard when my family keeps ordering Pizza & Chinese almost every night :cry:
    We just have to be strong and I think we're gonna make it and have bikini ready bodies .:bigsmile: