Tough me!

I have actually been here for a bit but am not a posting kind of gal. However, I wanted to share some goals met under tough circumstances. I'm battling RA, Lupus, Vasculitis, Hashimotos and a few bulging discs along with scoliosis (mild). So I need to get to a reasonable weight. I have lost 41 pounds. Being on this site has helped my focus and outlook!

I take a lot of potent medications in my fight against these diseases. I am 57. I'm also tired especially with the chemo but keeping track of my walking pushes me to get up and do it. I probably need to lose 40 more pounds. I am not real sure and that is kind of weird I suppose. But getting "thin" really isn't my goal. I just want to help myself feel better with the hand I've been dealt.

So onward I go, God willing.