
Hi everyone. I've been here before, but gave up. I'm here again, but this time I've learned a little bit more from my previous mistakes.

I've learned that losing weight is not something you succeed at right away, sometimes you just have to try, and try, and try again. This time I'm a little more informed about my eating habits, and my boyfriend is going to do this with me (he's not on the site though). We're planning on doing the south beach diet, and I plan on trying to get to the pool and do laps for 30mins 3x weekly.

I'm hoping to get some sort of support here. I"m trying to not stress myself out too much about this goal, and I'm not super enthusiastic about it either (I mean, who likes focusing on the fact that they're fat?) But it's obvious that my metabolism is slowing down, and I gotta work on this.



  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Not stressing out is the key because no one is perfect and you cant beat yourself up over your slips. Even though I want to lose 50 more pounds and its not coming off I still feel great because I am more fit and more active then I have been in many years. So even if it takes forever to come off as long as I am feeling good then i can be patient.