How can I have only lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks!!??

Ok I am going to rant but please read....
Hi. I have been on my diet now for 1 month exactly. I only weigh myself ever 2 weeks otherwise I get obsessed. so this morning I did the usual get the scales out routine to weigh myself. I was 9 stone 3 pounds or 129 pounds. Which means I have only lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks since my last weigh in! I am just so confused?? I am on a 1200-1300 calorie diet (no comment on the low amount please it suits me and I am only 5 foot 2 inch tall). I do one 60 min and one 30 min workout a week using fitness workout videos. I know I am ranting on but I just don't understand, the number don't add deflect means I should have lost more...... please help ... p.s only helpful or nice comments please. thanks


  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Weighing yourself every 2 weeks isn'ta good idea unless you look over a few months. We have ups and down, yesterday you might have been on -4lbs and now you will never know. Just keep doing what you are doing, trust the numbers. I'm sure you will see results. Also you may want to increase your exercise. you do 2 workouts a week. amounting to 90 mind total. You might be better doing 3x30 mins instead and turn it intoa third day. Also 2lbs in 2 weeks is still an ok amount to lose, especially since you aren't already mega heavy.

    Also FYI, I wouldn't ask for only helpful or nice comments here, sometimes that's just asking for trouble.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Ok I am going to rant but please read....
    Hi. I have been on my diet now for 1 month exactly. I only weigh myself ever 2 weeks otherwise I get obsessed. so this morning I did the usual get the scales out routine to weigh myself. I was 9 stone 3 pounds or 129 pounds. Which means I have only lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks since my last weigh in! I am just so confused?? I am on a 1200-1300 calorie diet (no comment on the low amount please it suits me and I am only 5 foot 2 inch tall). I do one 60 min and one 30 min workout a week using fitness workout videos. I know I am ranting on but I just don't understand, the number don't add deflect means I should have lost more...... please help ... p.s only helpful or nice comments please. thanks

    Open your food diary so we can see what kinds of foods you are eating. etc.
  • Bobbie8786
    Bobbie8786 Posts: 202 Member
    2 pounds in 2 weeks sounds about right. I am taller, 5'6", and weigh more than you (a lot) and eat in the 1200-1300 range most days and I do not do a ton of exercise, and I lose about 1 pound a week.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Sounds like you need to up your cardio. Also what kind of foods are you eating 1200 cals a day is good but are you eating chocolate or veggies? As for the weight not coming off, you weigh 129lbs your body may not be built to get much lower, you might just want to change your body compensation through weight training
  • lola0003
    Thanks for help so far people.. I cant open my food diary I don't write it on here I write it in my own book. I mainly use here for support x
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Thanks for help so far people.. I cant open my food diary I don't write it on here I write it in my own book. I mainly use here for support x

    Nothing wrong with using MFP for support only, but I'd really suggest you use the food diary on here. It is much easier to keep on track.

    I'd suggest see how you are in another 2 weeks. I'd also suggest weighing yourself everyday first thing in the morning for one whole week. But don't log the numbers, just observe, that will teach you about fluctation, maybe then you wont get so frustrated.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I only weigh myself ever 2 weeks otherwise I get obsessed.

    So it seems you only now get obsessed every two weeks..... :smile:
    As your weight can fluctuate several pounds in a day let alone a week your fortnightly weigh ins aren't going to give you much of a guide until you have done a few months of your new routine.

    Do you take measurements or progress photos?

    BTW - a pound a week loss sounds like a nice result to me!
  • lola0003
    Thanks for help so far people.. I cant open my food diary I don't write it on here I write it in my own book. I mainly use here for support x

    Nothing wrong with using MFP for support only, but I'd really suggest you use the food diary on here. It is much easier to keep on track.

    I'd suggest see how you are in another 2 weeks. I'd also suggest weighing yourself everyday first thing in the morning for one whole week. But don't log the numbers, just observe, that will teach you about fluctation, maybe then you wont get so frustrated.

    Thank you.. you have been really helpful.. I will weight myself every day for a week like you said and see what happens. xx
  • lola0003
    I only weigh myself ever 2 weeks otherwise I get obsessed.

    So it seems you only now get obsessed every two weeks..... :smile:
    As your weight can fluctuate several pounds in a day let alone a week your fortnightly weigh ins aren't going to give you much of a guide until you have done a few months of your new routine.

    Do you take measurements or progress photos?

    BTW - a pound a week loss sounds like a nice result to me!

    Yes I take measurements.. first 2 weeks I lost 1 inch on hips and waist. Today I had lost further half inch on waist but that's it x thanks
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    Losing one pound a week isn't bad, it's actually pretty good. I'm guessing you don't have a lot to lose considering you are at 129 now? When I first started losing I lost fast and steady for the first while and now I tend to hold onto weight for a couple weeks and then drop 3-4 lbs suddenly, I think that's pretty normal. Keep doing what you are doing, if it works for you, and don't worry too much. Your body may just be holding onto water weight.

    Edit to say Slow and steady wins the weight loss race.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I just don't understand, the number don't add deflect means I should have lost more......

    This probably means that you arent being honest. It is never something else, only yours.

    Still, 'only' 2 pounds in 2 weeks. Arent you just moaning about nothing?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    2lbs/2weeks=1lb/week=a good amount.

    Don't despair, you are right on track.
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    At your weight, 2 pounds in 2 weeks sounds like a perfect pace.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I only weigh myself ever 2 weeks otherwise I get obsessed.

    So it seems you only now get obsessed every two weeks..... :smile:
    As your weight can fluctuate several pounds in a day let alone a week your fortnightly weigh ins aren't going to give you much of a guide until you have done a few months of your new routine.

    Do you take measurements or progress photos?

    BTW - a pound a week loss sounds like a nice result to me!

    Yes I take measurements.. first 2 weeks I lost 1 inch on hips and waist. Today I had lost further half inch on waist but that's it x thanks

    So you lost 2lbs, and a total of 2 and a half inches in 2 weeks and you dont see it as success?!?!?!
  • lola0003
    OK OK feel better now.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    So you lost 2lbs, and a total of 2 and a half inches in 2 weeks and you dont see it as success?!?!?!

    It really sounds like the only thing you need to change is your expectations.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    A pound per week loss is something to be proud of, IMHO. And taking off those inches is a sure sign you're going in the right direction. Keep up the great work!

    If you start weighing yourself daily, I recommend taking weekly averages. I didn't do that this time around, but I did it back in 2001-2002. Weekly averages show a much smoother weight loss than daily or once-weekly numbers. Here's what I mean:

  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    search for threads on here about:

    1) water retention
    2) inaccurate logging
    3) properly calculating your TDEE and setting your calorie deficit

    all 3 of these issues probably explain why you think you are struggling. also, if your calorie deficit is 500, then 2lbs in 2 weeks is exactly where you should be.
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    1ibs/week is a good loss at allready such low weight

    maybe you should eat more
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    That's a damn good loss.