What do you compound weight lifters do for the calves?

Just curious. The claim is often made that a compound routine covers all muscle groups but surely calves get missed out?

Me with bodyweight? I get the other half to sit astride my pelvis while I hold onto a counter top or other hip-height stable object and do sets of Donkey Calf Raises!; but maybe that's TMI!


  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Seated calf raise.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Squats and deads work the calves a bit, I also do standing calve raises with the bar and a couple plates under my toes.

  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Standing calf raises, on a step that let's me a get a stretch at the bottom. I just add them in on some day during the week, since I don't think compound moves really hit them at all. Or at least I don't feel it.

  • patrickfish7
    patrickfish7 Posts: 190 Member
    Squats on my toes;
    Seating calf raise;
    Leg press on toes;
    Box jumps on toes;

    I can go on...