Ready to lose some weight.

Hello All,

It's time for me to lose some weight and a friend is using this site so thought I'd give it a try. I've got problems with high cholesterol and don't want to get diabetes like my father. And with the crazy high cost of heath insurance (thanks Obama) the cost of my cholesterol pills have gone from $18 for 30 pills to $126 for 30 pills, and I'm not going to pay that much for pills. So the weight has to come off, last time I lose weight the doctor took me off the pills.

Please friend me because all the help I can get the better.



  • Hello everyone,

    This is my first time using this site. I had my thyroid removed two years ago. After I had my kids I knew something was wrong, I couldn't lose the weight and the weight kept coming on. I would go to the doctors and my blood work would come back normal. So, I got tired of working out and dieting because nothing was working. It seem like the more I tried to lose weight the more I gained. I figured I guess I'm just going to be over weight. Then two years ago I had my galdbladder removed and that surgeion was the one who said we need to look at your thyroid. When we did the first ultra sound to when they removed it (which was a couple of months) the nodules on my thyroid had doubled in size and was growing into my chest area. It has been almost two years since I had my thyroid removed and now I have 150 pounds to get off. I thought once they romoved the thyroid the weight would just come off. No, I started to gain. They say it will take time for my body to rebound. I watched my mom die of complications to diabetis (that is a horrible way to go) this year. One day I was looking in the mirror and I seen my mom. That was my wake up call. I have a lot live for and if I don't do something I will be walking in her foot steps. So, I went to the doctors and got a yearly check up. All my numbers were ok they could have been lower. I told my doctor my concerns so she sent me to a nutritions. It took me a month to get in. Mean while my husband signed us up to a gym. I go at least 5 times a week and I do Tai Chi twice a week. From the time I went to the doctors and then seen the nutritions I lost 5 pounds. I was so dispointed because I thought it would be more. I told the doctor I didn't want to do surgery. I wanted to try other avenues first. So she put me on 15 mg of Phentermine (Which reading on this site is a low dose compare to others). I have not had any of the side affects that others have said. I don't have a burst of energy and I still am having food cravings. But I am working through those. She has me on 1400 calories a day. When she told me that I thought that would be easy. Well surprise surprise. I am learning how things you think are healthy have tons of calories. I have days I do well and then I have days that are not so well. On, days that I don't do so good I just work out a little more that day. So, if I think I want that brownie, I tell myself that if you eat that you will have to walk more on the treadmill. I use to weigh myself everyday and would get so upset with myself. So, now I am not weighing myself until I go to the doctors for my monthly check up. I have noticed some clothes are loser. But I am like everyother person I want to see change sooner. My doctor told me about this site so I have decided to try it out. I have been reading people's post and I have to say most everyone is helpful. I am determine to get this weight off and be healthy and to live my golden years having fun. So hopefully this journey will not be to painful. LOL
  • 1exercisefreak
    1exercisefreak Posts: 75 Member
    I'm so happy to be your friend. If you ever need to talk I am here:flowerforyou
  • Friend request can do this !!!!
  • Regan45
    Regan45 Posts: 191 Member
    Sent request. Let's get you off those meds!