Stupid stupid stupid!



  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Calories in. Calories out. Period.

    *except for sugar...because sugar is different...and special...and awesome.

    Tasty, sugar is tasty.

    Fixed for yous
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    awww , honey, honey.

  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    I applaud your decision to cut sugar out of your diet.
    You have what Aktins called, The Low-Carb Flu.
    It will pass in a few days, just 'soldier through'. is an excellent website for your challenge.

    Furthermore, I gave up sugar and all grains back in July.
    My 'kick in the pants' was the desire to control my diabetes.
    The outcome?
    I have NO PROBLEMS with hunger or any kind of cravings,
    AT ALL!

    Forgive yourself for the slip-up.
    The best things in life are worth repeated attempts at success!

    Best wishes!

  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    I applaud your decision to cut sugar out of your diet.
    You have what Aktins called, The Low-Carb Flu.
    It will pass in a few days, just 'soldier through'. is an excellent website for your challenge.

  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Have you tried a consistent, small-moderate calorie deficit where no food is "off-limits" as long as you get enough protein and fat?
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    honey, honey.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Have you tried a consistent, small-moderate calorie deficit where no food is "off-limits" as long as you get enough protein and fat?

    Don't be ridiculous.

    This crazy idea would never work...for anyone...ever.

    Okay, now, back to the serious discussion...

    ...which is, sugar is bad. Surely everyone can agree on this important point, right?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Where are the Sugar Police with their walls o' links?

    OP, maybe you just need to weigh out your food and enter it into a Food Diary, sort of like the one on Myfitnesspal. It worked for me...and a few thousand others.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Cutting sugar cold-turkey WILL produce exactly as you described. It will SUCK, you will be miserable and grumpy. It gets worse if you cut other things like caffeine as well, which can have a true withdraw effect.

    Best tip - start off SLOW. Find a number (of carbs) and see where you are normally. Minus 50 a week. If you do too much too fast, you won't be able to keep at it for long.

    Good luck.

    PLUS - if you can't drop those last 20 pounds - hit the doctor. Make sure nothing unseen is going on.

    Cutting a food unless you have a medical issues isn't always a good thing. Trying to find a happy medium is always best.

    this is pretty on point.

    I cut processed sugar on purpose for a discipline challenge and it was BRUTAL- I ate a CRAP load of fruit to compensate for it.

    Then the next 6 weeks I tapered off the fruit. it wasn't pretty -sometimes you do it JUST for the pure discipline- but I never cut anything on purpose permanently other than for health reasons. it's just not sustainable.
  • DavidSTC
    DavidSTC Posts: 173 Member
    I once quit caffeine and all carbs, including sugar, to start Atkins many moons ago. I thought my head was going to explode. I walked through the grocery store, and I swear to you that I could smell the candy section from three aisles away. I had no idea that I had such an addiction. I don't do Atkins anymore, but I will credit it for getting me off all of the sugar I was eating before. I can have some now in small doses, and I'm fine. But, back then, I was completely addicted. And, mostly it was addictions to those so-called "no-fat" treats ... you know, the ones that turn into fat if you don't burn them off. Hell, even now, I'm amazed how I go over the recommended sugar daily intake, and that's if I just have some honey, sweetened granola and fruit.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    I have no idea why this comment made me laugh really, really hard. :laugh:

    Maybe because all caps = shouting? Hahaha, it made me laugh too.

    OP, calories in < calories out. Have some sugar. It'll make you smile. :happy:
  • Matt24442

    I have no idea why this comment made me laugh really, really hard. :laugh:

    Maybe because all caps = shouting? Hahaha, it made me laugh too.

    OP, calories in < calories out. Have some sugar. It'll make you smile. :happy:

    It's because the person who said it is hilarious
  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member
    Deficit deficit deficit!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    So, OP, tell me, do you plan on never eating sugar again? If you want sustainable weight loss, find a sustainable diet. If you cut all sugars, you will probably end up binging on them or just gain weight back once you reintroduce them because you won't have learned how to eat it in moderation.

    Weigh all your food, eat at a reasonable deficit... you don't have to cut sugar and be miserable.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    UGH! I am so frustrated right now. I only have around 15-20lbs to lose and i have been trying for so, so long and I just can't do it! io have been trying to lose the same amount of weight for THREE YEARS and just succeeded in going up and down which is reall, really disheartening.

    A few days ago i decided to cut out carbs and sugar, yesterday and today I felt soooo depressed and odd-can't explain it-i just felt very flat and irritable to the point of crying. nothing else has happened to cause it so I can only assume it is sugar withdrawal. So, after a few days of doing well, today as usual i broke it and caved in and ended up eating biscuits which totally ruined everything.

    Has anyone ever tried to quit sugar before? Am i being stupid to go cold-turkey? I guess i know the answer myself but just wanted to discuss it as i am feeling so unbelievably FED UP right now.

    It's a lot of reading, but please read all the below. Hopefully it'll help you understand things and yourself better.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    So, OP, tell me, do you plan on never eating sugar again? If you want sustainable weight loss, find a sustainable diet. If you cut all sugars, you will probably end up binging on them or just gain weight back once you reintroduce them because you won't have learned how to eat it in moderation.

    Weigh all your food, eat at a reasonable deficit... you don't have to cut sugar and be miserable.

    This and also, it seems like it could be processed food that maybe something to cut back on?
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I applaud your decision to cut sugar out of your diet.
    I'm sorry but I really can't stay quiet
    You have what Aktins called, The Low-Carb Flu.
    maybe you just need a drink or a poo
    It will pass in a few days, just 'soldier through'.
    constipation is a hassle, but it's not crazy glue is an excellent website for your challenge.
    if you like what's unbalanced and cabbage

    Furthermore, I gave up sugar and all grains back in July.
    I'm so sorry, I think just for you, I will cry
    My 'kick in the pants' was the desire to control my diabetes.
    you know you can still eat some wheaties?
    The outcome?
    I have NO PROBLEMS with hunger or any kind of cravings,
    AT ALL!
    That's great, I can relate, I have no craving. I have chocolate.
    Oh wait, I can't se my abdominal wall!

    Forgive yourself for the slip-up.
    perhaps you are right! I should give it all up
    The best things in life are worth repeated attempts at success!
    I have chocolate, oh, never mind, I digress,
    But truly there is no need to obsess
    Over sugar to feel so oppressed*.

    Best wishes!

    *unless for a medical reason you must. :flowerforyou:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I applaud your decision to cut sugar out of your diet.
    I'm sorry but I really can't stay quiet
    You have what Aktins called, The Low-Carb Flu.
    maybe you just need a drink or a poo
    It will pass in a few days, just 'soldier through'.
    constipation is a hassle, but it's not crazy glue is an excellent website for your challenge.
    if you like what's unbalanced and cabbage

    Furthermore, I gave up sugar and all grains back in July.
    I'm so sorry, I think just for you, I will cry
    My 'kick in the pants' was the desire to control my diabetes.
    you know you can still eat some wheaties?
    The outcome?
    I have NO PROBLEMS with hunger or any kind of cravings,
    AT ALL!
    That's great, I can relate, I have no craving. I have chocolate.
    Oh wait, I can't se my abdominal wall!

    Forgive yourself for the slip-up.
    perhaps you are right! I should give it all up
    The best things in life are worth repeated attempts at success!
    I have chocolate, oh, never mind, I digress,
    But truly there is no need to obsess
    Over sugar to feel so oppressed*.

    Best wishes!

    *unless for a medical reason you must. :flowerforyou:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I applaud your decision to cut sugar out of your diet.
    I'm sorry but I really can't stay quiet
    You have what Aktins called, The Low-Carb Flu.
    maybe you just need a drink or a poo
    It will pass in a few days, just 'soldier through'.
    constipation is a hassle, but it's not crazy glue is an excellent website for your challenge.
    if you like what's unbalanced and cabbage

    Furthermore, I gave up sugar and all grains back in July.
    I'm so sorry, I think just for you, I will cry
    My 'kick in the pants' was the desire to control my diabetes.
    you know you can still eat some wheaties?
    The outcome?
    I have NO PROBLEMS with hunger or any kind of cravings,
    AT ALL!
    That's great, I can relate, I have no craving. I have chocolate.
    Oh wait, I can't se my abdominal wall!

    Forgive yourself for the slip-up.
    perhaps you are right! I should give it all up
    The best things in life are worth repeated attempts at success!
    I have chocolate, oh, never mind, I digress,
    But truly there is no need to obsess
    Over sugar to feel so oppressed*.

    Best wishes!

    *unless for a medical reason you must. :flowerforyou:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Sponge Bob and Patrick agree that this is awesome!

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    I applaud your decision to cut sugar out of your diet.
    I'm sorry but I really can't stay quiet
    You have what Aktins called, The Low-Carb Flu.
    maybe you just need a drink or a poo
    It will pass in a few days, just 'soldier through'.
    constipation is a hassle, but it's not crazy glue is an excellent website for your challenge.
    if you like what's unbalanced and cabbage

    Furthermore, I gave up sugar and all grains back in July.
    I'm so sorry, I think just for you, I will cry
    My 'kick in the pants' was the desire to control my diabetes.
    you know you can still eat some wheaties?
    The outcome?
    I have NO PROBLEMS with hunger or any kind of cravings,
    AT ALL!
    That's great, I can relate, I have no craving. I have chocolate.
    Oh wait, I can't se my abdominal wall!

    Forgive yourself for the slip-up.
    perhaps you are right! I should give it all up
    The best things in life are worth repeated attempts at success!
    I have chocolate, oh, never mind, I digress,
    But truly there is no need to obsess
    Over sugar to feel so oppressed*.

    Best wishes!

    *unless for a medical reason you must. :flowerforyou:
