is it possible to get rid of a big belly by just dieting?



  • CryNoMo
    CryNoMo Posts: 1 Member
    I agree with this. There are way too many misleading ads about losing belly fat. Fat is all over your body, not just your belly. You need to be under your calorie goal day after day after day. You'll eventually see results everywhere.
  • daniellabella986
    daniellabella986 Posts: 325 Member
    Exercise is important for building muscle so you don't just look skinny - you'll get a good tone and will burn more calories at rest. But regardless, losing weight and getting that flat belly is actually 80% diet and only 20% exercise. Don't focus on working out alone, make sure you're getting your calorie deficit and eat as cleanly as possible.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Yes. Don't eat before bed and you will wake up with a flat stomach. Your digestion shuts down quite a bit as you sleep so whatever you ate will sit there causing bloat the next morning. Works for me!:blushing:

    If you're bloated from eating the night before, just poop. I'm not sure what that has to do with fat accumulation on your torso. Food in your intestines does not equal fat on your belly.

    She can't poop, she's a girl.
  • makerethos
    makerethos Posts: 1 Member
    There is a saying that almost anyone in the fitness industry has heard:

    "abs are made in the kitchen"

    Having a calorie deficit will help you shed body fat, but you don't get to pick where it comes off. Usually the belly is the first place to get flabby and the last place to lose fat. Don't expect immediate results. Looking at your diary I see a lot of refined grain and processed food. I would try to make a switch to whole grains, and less processed food. More veggies and fruit. You are also probably short-changing yourself on protein.

    Adding strength training to your regimen (if you haven't already) can really boost your results. 2-4 days of resistance workouts can seriously add to your success. And don't think that doing a million crunches will spot treat that belly. You're better off doing full body a couple days a week and a focus day on your legs. Your leg muscles are the biggest muscle group in your body and building those up will help your overall metabolism more than crunches ever will. A lot of exercises like squats and lunges will also work your core. For help building a program go to It can be intimidating but it's a great site!

    Good luck!