Hey all

My name is Hannah, I am 20 years old and I hail from little old New Zealand.

I joined the forum to find people like me around world like me trying to lose weight and get fit. I currently weigh 67 kgs (146 lbs) and I am trying to get to about 50 kgs (110 lbs). I want to lose weight so I can get fit and get into shape and hopefully keep my asthma in check. If there is anyone out there that can recommended a good diet to follow I would be grateful.

I look forward to meeting many different people around the word.



  • mizztanjo
    mizztanjo Posts: 153 Member
    Hi Hannah :)

    My name is Tanya and I am from Canada. So you are looking to lose about 36 lbs or so? That is very doable and I'd love to support you in that journey!!
    My suggestion as far as diet goes, I'd say to slowly cut out dairy for a little while. I know a few people who had asthma and gave up dairy and they didn't have asthma anymore. Plus giving up dairy would help you lose a lot of weight! Of course you'd have to use replacements but those are easy to find now a days.
    As far as working out...start out with Cardio and in a month or two start adding weight training 3-4 days a week. I have no doubt you can reach your goal in no time at all!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Eat what you want. Just stick to the calorie goals that you believe will work, and take it from there. There is no point in cutting out food unless there is a personal reason for it.