a smoker trying to exercise...



  • budpuffer
    Sreneesa....legal here too, defiantly understand the temptation...one of my two jobs is trimming medical bud, so there's a constant hash supply for me to try to avoid, but don't. Today is my first time on here, but I can see everyone is helpful and supportive, so I'll just keep checking in, and start slowly but surly.thanks
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    You are fine to do everything even though you smoke. I'm mid marathon training and am in the gym 4 days a week and I still haven't kicked the habit just yet.

    (I'm seriously trying to quit though***)

    Just don't use that excuse as a crutch. It's BS. I can easily run down and out last a good deal of people on the road after going through a pack a day.

    Starting to run sucks regardless, you don't just naturally suck at it because you smoke. You start out sucking at it and its hard because you are out of shape.

    If you keep smoking you just can't use it as an excuse to not doing something else. You just gotta pay the price if you still want that buzz.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I just swapped smoking for vaping (which is awesome, btw, and sooo much tastier than smoking, and better for you), but when I did smoke, I did all of the same exercises that everyone else does. It's much easier on my lungs now, though.

    Seriously...if you want to quit smoking, buy a cheap vapor starter kit, some good juice, and give it a try. I stopped real smokes like it was nothing. Something I've never been able to do in the past.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Switch over to smokeless tobacco, and eat the weed.

    this is actually not a bad idea.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I just swapped smoking for vaping (which is awesome, btw, and sooo much tastier than smoking, and better for you), but when I did smoke, I did all of the same exercises that everyone else does. It's much easier on my lungs now, though.

    Seriously...if you want to quit smoking, buy a cheap vapor starter kit, some good juice, and give it a try. I stopped real smokes like it was nothing. Something I've never been able to do in the past.

    Any good brands to look for if someone wants to give it a go?
  • chard_muncher
    chard_muncher Posts: 75 Member
    Oxygen tank pulls.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Switch over to smokeless tobacco, and eat the weed.
    Not that I condone any illegal activities, but my sister's boyfriend's cousin's dog walker has a recipe for battered extra green beans. I don't know the details of it other than something about kites :wink:

    Biking is good if you're looking for easy cardio and trying to minimize the bite exercise takes out of your schedule but would be brutal to start this time of year. Some people ride in the snow, myself included. But again, this doesn't come recommended if you didn't ride much to begin with.

    Also, jumping on the not-smoke bandwagon here. There are alternate ways to make the nicobeast go away. E-cigarettes, patches, and pills can be had (and I hear most insurance companies will pass out the pills like candy)... there are options.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Meh... I've been a smoker on and off my whole life. I have been a smoker and runner and trained in kickboxing all at the same time. You just build up to the activity as you would if you didn't smoke. Then, eventually, when you do quit, it gets easier on the lungs in fairly short order. You're better off working on your cardiovascular health while smoking than just smoking and not doing cardio at all.
  • saoulbete
    vaping is a great idea. e-cigs are easier on your lungs, and if you look around online, there are tons of recipes to make some e-cig juice out of weed too that extracts all the wonderful THC. (also has the benefit of being odorless so you can get away with puffing on an e-cig and getting high while out and about. great for concerts, movies, etc.)

    That said, I smoke .5-1 ppd, and I'm that chick that's putting my cigarette out walking into the gym and lighting up again as soon as i walk out of the gym, and i still manage to run 5-10 miles a week, and lift. smoking isn't going to prevent you from getting in shape. Being able to win a 5k? probably not in the cards, but you should be able to complete a 5k. Hell, I know marathoners that smoke. None of them come in top 10, but they all finish.