I keep falling off the wagon after doing so well :(



  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    You did it on the 21st, then again on the 29th. That is 8 days. If that is your only binge, have the damn pancakes, and know you are doing better than many others. Maybe making modifications to your other days might make things easier and the pancakes more enjoyable.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    How many calories are you eating? Are you actually eating enough? Are you eating a proportion of your exercise calories back. If you have your settings set to lose 2 pounds a week and are struggling with this set it for a lower loss that way your calories will be higher and it may be more substainable for you.

    ^^this. I get big cravings for stuff when I have been undereating.

    ^^^This this this.

    Also from the emotional/stress eating standpoint, I WILL binge if I am restricting too much. Or if I skip a meal 2 days in a row or am under one day and then skip... it happens. I think the bigger thing is to forgive yourself and allow the pancakes. If you're feeling guilty can you get a shorter stack? So you're not focusing on the "OMG I Just Ate all those cals/carbs" and can just be happy you got your pancakes =)
  • aoikirin
    aoikirin Posts: 143
    I think it's just really hard for me not to use food to self medicate my feelings of stress, loneliness, etc.

    What is your average daily caloric intake (ignoring the pancakes)

    I aim for 1500-1800
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I think it's just really hard for me not to use food to self medicate my feelings of stress, loneliness, etc.

    What is your average daily caloric intake (ignoring the pancakes)

    I aim for 1500-1800

    That is pretty low. You can 'afford' a pancake day to be honest. Plan it, log it, and look at your caloric intake for the week and weight loss results over a few weeks.

    Or alternatively, do not restrict yourself so much and you may be less likely to feel out of control.

    Have a read of this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    I am really struggling to maintain compliance with the amount of calories I am supposed to be eating. I will do great for 4-7 days, but then get horrible cravings to overeat. There is a diner place right by my work that has great pancakes. They are my weakness. I never want to go there again but it's hard. The craving is really strong, and it's right by my work.

    I did this today after a number of perfect days. Today was particularly stressful at work and I know this is why I ended up going to the diner. I wanted those pancakes for comfort from stress.

    I've been where you are at, just don't give up. Keep trying, plan a pancake meal or something.
    I have weight loss meditations I listen to most days to help me with stress.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    I think it's just really hard for me not to use food to self medicate my feelings of stress, loneliness, etc.

    What is your average daily caloric intake (ignoring the pancakes)

    I aim for 1500-1800

    I'd have cravings and over-eat too if I were on 1500-1800 calories. I usually consume around 2000-2600. Try consuming more calories, and exercise a little more if you need to.
    You may not be getting enough of particular macro- or micronutrients either, which may cause you to be more hungry or to crave certain things.
  • nazish17
    nazish17 Posts: 61 Member
    the key to this is moderarion ~ you have to know you can have the pancakes and not feel guilry later© otherwise you are srtting yourself fpr a stumble as your feeling guilty etc which is setting you up with a negative mind set. i myself had the same problem i changed my weight loss plan to 0.5/1lb a week because you have to remind yourself this isnt just a diet its a lifetime chamge and you dont want to be feeling crap for eating pancakes all your life.

    however nice it is to see the numbers decrease at a faster rate it might be a good idea to start it of slow and steady and incooperate some new eating habits and then slowly increase to a number hat is sustainable by you.

    Make sure you are eating enough and drinking enough fluids to keep the cravings at bay, remember portion controll you can always just have the one pancake instead of 2-3.

    Plan a pankcake day in advance if you have to maybe every week to begin with and then maybe every 2-3 weeks later. That way you can enjoy the pancakes you obvs Love as they are your weakness. You also make the pancakes healthier ine - add some fruit et

    remember a winner picks himself up one more time than he stumbled, this is your journey, there will be good and bad days there will be obstacles, but you can do this, its all about Mindsrt!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Also what are you eating ? I know some foods can make some people crave. How about keeping a detailed log of what you eat and drink for a couple of weeks along with what you feel and when you crave. Also put in sleep patterns as well. It may be that this could help you understand what is going on ., especially if it is dietary :-)
  • huv123
    huv123 Posts: 54 Member
    I would suggest you look into practicing "mindfulness". My place of employment offered it as a free short course for employees and it was excellent for me. GIven that I am high stress and anxiety it helped me practice being 'present' instead of constantly worrying about the future. I think something like that may not stop you "bingeing" but will help you understand that it is only a moment in time so you don't carry around the guilt of it.

    I also devote 200 calories a day to eating basically whatever food I want. All my other calories are devoted to my basic meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner and a healthy snack (like fruit, or carrots with hummus etc)). I usually have a cookie or two. It stops me from obsessing over junk food and sweets - which I love! I try and do at least 200 calories worth of exercise everyday which I dont use towards my basic meals.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Will power is a strange thing.

    I've lost nearly 120 LBS, and I still give in to temptation sometimes and eat like an unhinged beast. I soon discovered it didn't really matter. I can eat like a food deprived maniac every now and then, it's not like I got fat from binging out on food once every now and then, I got fat from having an all round constant unhealthy eating lifestyle.

    Eat your pancakes once every 4-7 days, it won't hinder your weight loss.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I think it's just really hard for me not to use food to self medicate my feelings of stress, loneliness, etc.

    What is your average daily caloric intake (ignoring the pancakes)

    I aim for 1500-1800

    That is pretty low. You can 'afford' a pancake day to be honest. Plan it, log it, and look at your caloric intake for the week and weight loss results over a few weeks.

    Or alternatively, do not restrict yourself so much and you may be less likely to feel out of control.

    Have a read of this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    Please do give this a read. I am a 5'2", 40 year old woman and aim for 1700/day. I'm not doing to bad either for two months in!
  • MrfreddieV
    You seam to be getting good advice. Fit the pancakes into your calorie count. Set a weight loss that works for you. This has to work for long term. Even when you get to your goal you will need to learn how to eat to maintain. Everyone that cares what they weigh will always need to count calories. But a hint. Cooking those pancakes at home you will probable find a recipe that lets you eat more. Pancakes from scratch are very few ingredients and take about 4 or five minutes to throw together. 1 cup Flour,1 or 2 eggs eggs,1 cup milk,pinch of salt and a level tea spoon of baking powder. I like a cap of real vanilla extract. You can use whole eggs or just egg whites,white flour or 100 whole grain but my point is, It really is from start to finish under 15 minutes to serving them up. Live your life enjoying ever day. Food is not a reward. And you should never have to punish yourself for a slip up.
    There are 365 days a year, do your best to eat with in your planed calories more days then slip ups and you are going to reach your goal. Be kind to yourself. Sorry i am going on. Just hate the thought that you are getting upset with yourself. BIG ))))HUG(((((
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    You don't have to give up the pancakes, and it doesn't have to stall your loss.

    Plan for it once a week, this way you won't feel deprived and will make it much easier to continue. So even if your favorite pancake meal is 1500 calories - workout the day you have them, eat those and something else smaller later in the day and you can still maintain a small deficit.

    Now if you are eating just because of stress, then to find a new activity for relief. Biking long distances and lifting work great for me when I need to get rid of some stress, or I hit the punching bag for awhile :)

    This makes a lot of sense. Not sure my willpower is there yet but it is something to aim for.
  • laceyfowler
    laceyfowler Posts: 127 Member
    I would suggest you look into practicing "mindfulness". My place of employment offered it as a free short course for employees and it was excellent for me. GIven that I am high stress and anxiety it helped me practice being 'present' instead of constantly worrying about the future. I think something like that may not stop you "bingeing" but will help you understand that it is only a moment in time so you don't carry around the guilt of it.

    I also devote 200 calories a day to eating basically whatever food I want. All my other calories are devoted to my basic meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner and a healthy snack (like fruit, or carrots with hummus etc)). I usually have a cookie or two. It stops me from obsessing over junk food and sweets - which I love! I try and do at least 200 calories worth of exercise everyday which I dont use towards my basic meals.

    Good advice here! All the advice about not being so hard on yourself (OP) about having those pancakes once every 4-7 days especially if it fits into your overall caloric intake - which it sounds like it would - is great advice, but I like how huv123 recommends mindfulness as well. If you find yourself "stress" or "comfort" eating pretty frequently, it might be good to also look at how to be a little less stressed in general :-) That would make life better and weight loss easier!

    Mindfulness is a great practice to get into - I think learning a bit about mindfulness could enhance and at least somewhat de-stress Everyone's life!

    OP, don't beat yourself up... it sounds like overall you're doing very well :-) Take the advice given on this thread - some of the most consistently good advice I've seen on a thread lately! Take care of yourself emotionally as well as physically, and enjoy better emotional and physical health :-)
  • LALALA28115
    Until I saw a therapist to deal with my emotional eating, I was not making any real progress. But now I have techniques to address my emotional eating and to moderate when I do want and make a conscious choice to have something that is not part of my regular intake, such as a pancake. I encourage you to see a therapist that has experience specifically in emotional eating and eating issues and really do some solid work with them. I have been seeing my person for nearly a year and expect to see them all of this coming year as well.
    Good luck--and remember, when you do fall off the wagon, you need to get RIGHT BACK ON IT!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Go running to make up for it?....
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    I am really struggling to maintain compliance with the amount of calories I am supposed to be eating. I will do great for 4-7 days, but then get horrible cravings to overeat. There is a diner place right by my work that has great pancakes. They are my weakness. I never want to go there again but it's hard. The craving is really strong, and it's right by my work.

    I did this today after a number of perfect days. Today was particularly stressful at work and I know this is why I ended up going to the diner. I wanted those pancakes for comfort from stress.

    That can be called ' cheat ' days. Your body is craving carbs if you like the pancakes.

    If you are eating -500/day for 6 days, then binge eating 2kcal + above your maintenance on the 7th, that's still a loss of 1kcal/week.

    In a month, that's over a pound of fat loss.

    I eat decently clean for about 10 days then I eat literally wtv I want every 10-12 days. Ends up being about 5-6kcal.

    Would I lose more weight if I can stick to my clean eating for longer periods of time? Yes, most likely; however, I want to live a little, drink a little. I don't want to be a fitness fanatic for no reason when I'm not competing and my only goal is to look and feel good about myself.

    If I want I'll go binge for an entire week and drink alcohol or wtv, then I'll take the next 2 weeks to get back on track and watch what I eat.

    If I go out heavy drinking once a week on the weekend and eat junk food the next day all day(from hangover), I'll make sure my workouts and diets the rest of the week is clean.

    If you are like me and can't eat junk food in moderation, do what I do and eat what you want every once in a while.

    if you can moderate small amounts of food you want in regular every day life, then do that;

    Don't feel guilty about it.
  • Becky388
    Becky388 Posts: 157 Member
    I say work the pancakes into your calorie allotment UNLESS you are like me and wheat sensitive. I was doing that exact thing but the scale would jump back up after just one splurge like that. I'd "gain" and "lose" the same 3-5 pounds until I dropped wheat completely. I added some wheat back in (that was the only change) and the scale has skyrocketed back up. SO if your scale is doing that, you may have to find a way to get rid of them or find an alternative. If it isn't, then enjoy a cheat meal of pancakes once every week or two, just plan for it.
  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    Your calorie intake is not that high on most days, so as others have said, that could be causing the splurge. You have 2 options IMO: 1. up your daily calories & avoid the pancakes or 2. Leave your calories the same and eat, log, and enjoy the pancakes.
    If you're still at your calorie goal for the week and maintaining or losing weight, but you're beating yourself up over the pancakes and not truly enjoying them, that's a crying shame.