two days of bad choices. what to do



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    It's two days. How is that a reason to give up? Suck it up and just keep going.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    two days of bad choices. what to do?

    Don't make it three.

    And this:
    Two days of choices you're not happy with? Log them and move on. Start making choices you're happy with right now. If you think you should get out and move more, do that too.

    Eat, log, exercise, log, rest, sleep, repeat.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    You have a couple of choices?

    Carry on over eating or get back on track?

    We all go over a little once in a while, but if we kept on going over, then we would never be where we wanted to be.

    Dust your self off, pick yourself up and get back on track
  • alexandriax03
    alexandriax03 Posts: 289 Member
    Log your bad days. I log EVERYTHING I put in my mouth- bad or good. It's a great tool and a great way to see how many calories you are truly putting into your body.

    Next you move on and start fresh. Tomorrow's a new day.

    Also, don't completely deprive yourself of "junk food." You can eat "bad foods" as long as you eat them in moderation. I don't suggest treating yourself every day, but one or two times a week depending on what it is…

    When you completely deprive yourself of bad foods, when you do screw up after eating healthy for so long, I find you lose control because you haven't had these foods in so long. It's better to just allow yourself to have ONE piece of chocolate a day or whatever you choose to treat yourself to. However, I don't suggest eating Chinese food frequently because it doesn't keep you full and only leaves you wanting more.
  • StripedSmoker
    StripedSmoker Posts: 104 Member
    So many people ask 'What do I do now?' in situations like that and I dont understand why they do that. Keep going; isn't that obvious? You got a goal, you got your way to that goal and what you also got are ups and downs. Just keep your head up high and not sink into the puddle of 'I can't do this'. :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    choices are
    log it and move on
    dont log it and move on
    go for the trifecta, eat like a rock star on day 3 and move on day 4
  • emrp22
    emrp22 Posts: 14
    New on the boards, wanted to quote, so look around for my reply to a poster...
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Should I just get back on track?

    No. You should give up now.
  • emrp22
    emrp22 Posts: 14
    If I felt terrible after eating Mexican food, Chinese food, or chocolate, I'd be more worried about my mental state than anything else. I eat all kinds of foods. I only feel sick afterward if it wasn't cooked properly. Otherwise, it's all in your head.

    Wow - I have to reply to this.

    For decades I was told that my stomach complaints were "in my head" - in other words, that it was a "mental" thing. I finally did some testing and it turns out I have full blown Celiac, which I have now found runs in my family on my mother's side. There are at least seven of us, just in the last two generations of my mother's family - and those are only the ones I know of.

    To dismiss someone complaining about not feeling good after eating certain things, is being misinformed - and a bit heartless. Just because you have an "iron stomach" does not mean others do, too. That's like saying that just because someone can do the splits, everyone else should be able to, too, something we know is definitely not true.
  • focuseddiva
    focuseddiva Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks for all the comments. I ate like a rock star today, as a previous poster said. I did not get to the gym as I had hoped for some issues on the homefront. But I will tomorrow. Already feel less bloated for having eaten much lighter today.
  • emrp22
    emrp22 Posts: 14
    I was doing well for a few weeks and the past two days... Chinese food, Mexican food, chocolate. I don't even want to know how many calories I inhaled. Now I feel sick, tired, bloated. Should I just get back on track? How many days until I feel better physically?

    Keep going! It's human to fail once in a while - and I'd say you have done great keeping to your diet for weeks. So forgive yourself, and move on. It's not a tragedy - it's just part of the game. I feel physically horrible the day after I overdose on sugar and sweets, but eventually I feel better and pull myself up again.

    So, please don't give up! Keep going and read the uplifting posts to your question. :-)
  • emrp22
    emrp22 Posts: 14
    Thanks for all the comments. I ate like a rock star today, as a previous poster said. I did not get to the gym as I had hoped for some issues on the homefront. But I will tomorrow. Already feel less bloated for having eaten much lighter today.

    Glad to hear that! Keep it up! And be kind to yourself. :-)
  • focuseddiva
    focuseddiva Posts: 174 Member
    Yeah -- and you know what? After a few weeks or eating pretty well, when I went overboard on the carbs and cheese and such, my body reacted in an odd way. My heart was racing and then I literally fell asleep -- a major food coma. But it truly went from heart racing to major fatigue. I will say I got a great night's sleep with such a full belly. The heart racing ... wonder what that is. My body trying to process a sudden infusion of high fat, sugar, simple sugar/carbs? I mean, I didn't just eat "bad" food the last few days -- I ate a huge volume of it, too.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Thanks for all the comments. I ate like a rock star today, as a previous poster said. I did not get to the gym as I had hoped for some issues on the homefront. But I will tomorrow. Already feel less bloated for having eaten much lighter today.

    Good for you, keep working hard and put the `rockstar` day behind you
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I was doing well for a few weeks and the past two days... Chinese food, Mexican food, chocolate. I don't even want to know how many calories I inhaled. Now I feel sick, tired, bloated. Should I just get back on track? How many days until I feel better physically?
    You should absolutely resign to the fact that it's over.......................................................I kid. I've been "bad" for over 10 days now and weight is up over 10lbs. But I'll get back on track like I usually do every year.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • april1445
    Forgive yourself, and move on. It happens. it will continue to happen. I repeat, Forgive yourself and move on. You will feel better in about 48 hours in my experience.
  • rainybblady
    rainybblady Posts: 12 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am happy for you!
  • rainybblady
    rainybblady Posts: 12 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am happy for you!
  • lighteningjeanne855
    Live and learn.
    Get back up on the horse.

    That being said...
    1) Were any of the foods that you ate during those two days
    NOT in your normal menu?
    Sometimes your body will have an adverse reaction
    to a food which you haven't eaten for a while.

    2) Some folks *plan* a cheat meal/day every so often
    (every week, several times per month), to stir up
    their metabolisms.
    Those days often result in a downward "whoosh!"

    Feel better soon, diva!
    Best wishes!
  • emrp22
    emrp22 Posts: 14
    Yeah -- and you know what? After a few weeks or eating pretty well, when I went overboard on the carbs and cheese and such, my body reacted in an odd way. My heart was racing and then I literally fell asleep -- a major food coma. But it truly went from heart racing to major fatigue. I will say I got a great night's sleep with such a full belly. The heart racing ... wonder what that is. My body trying to process a sudden infusion of high fat, sugar, simple sugar/carbs? I mean, I didn't just eat "bad" food the last few days -- I ate a huge volume of it, too.

    I think I understand what you were going through with the heart racing, full stomach and bloating. Similar things happen to me when I overeat, especially sweets, which is my big downfall. I stuff myself and I simply get incredibly sick. When I go to bed, I feel it in my chest, like my heart is very unhappy and my stomach aches and hurts like crazy. The next day I have a mega headache and feel awfully hungry, but I cannot eat until the hungry feeling goes away, or I get sicker again. The headaches usually go away by the evening after my previous day binge, but until it does, don't talk to me! :-( I think it's like a hangover - nasty, although I don't know for sure because I don't drink alcohol, and never have. My father was an alcoholic; my addiction is sugar.

    I am now on a low carb diet, but still eat a slice of homemade bread with almost every meal, to prevent my carbs from going too low. But no sugar, and NONE of the Christmas cookies that my daughter and I made this week. :-( However, on Christmas I WILL have some cookies and I will NOT feel bad about it. :-)

    Just got back on MFP because I could not lose weight on my own. I feel like I am in good company - and it's good to know that others are struggling just like I am.

    Have a great Christmas holiday!