Can't maintain efficiently



  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    My other strategy is to track my weight daily on a moving average app and only worry when my average moves not my daily weight. but as of right now my average is up. Sooo yeah cutting calories again, yay.
  • klmorg1227
    klmorg1227 Posts: 66 Member
    I gained two pounds my first week of maintenance...started to panic but stuck it out because everyone told me it was a normal reaction from my body and it had to did. I went back down to mt goal weight after the second week of eating 1500 calories a week, MFP was telling me to eat anywhere from 1800 minimum to 2300 and up depending on my exercise. After the fourth week of maintenance at 1500 I suppose my body got its self together because I started losing up to 1800 I weight gain this time but no loss either...but I did lose inches still. Then after about another two weeks...another 2 pounds I went up to between 2000 and 2300 now on work out days...(thats 6 days a week for me) normal calorie burn for one day when I work out is about 500 to 700 calories depending on my cardio mostly and if I am combining weight training on those days.I set my goal weight within a 4 pound variable and I am now happily maintaining at it's lowest level.

    You need to teach your body how to process the calories...(hence up your metabolism). Being active is essential. Only eat your regular amount of recommended calories on your off day(s) but when you work out eat back those calories. I always come in about 100 calories below what is recommended on my wo days...sometimes it is just too much for me to take in...But about once or twice a month I do splurge and may go about 300 - 400 calories over...its not often and it doesn't seem to have an effect on my maintaining.

    Good luck...let your body work it out...give it some time and only weigh in once a week...we fluctuate way too much to weigh in everyday, (especially us girls!)
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    My other strategy is to track my weight daily on a moving average app and only worry when my average moves not my daily weight. but as of right now my average is up. Sooo yeah cutting calories again, yay.

    Weight fluctuates a lot on a daily basis. It'll drive you crazy to follow your daily weight and adjust your calories according to it.

    I weigh myself monthly now that I'm on maintenance. I fluctuate by about 1Kg (2.2 lbs) plus or minus. I eat approx. the same number of calories per day, having used the TDEE method that includes my exercise in my daily calorie limit. I don't fuss about reaching the calorie limit. If I'm hungry, I eat. If I'm not, I don't eat. There are days when I'm well below my daily intake allowance, days when I'm over but the weekly average is always within my daily allowance (or close enough with a bit of plus/minus).
    I think, for me anyways, the point of maintenance is to return to a "normal" way of eating but with the awareness of portions, healthy balance and limits.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Nobody will be able to give you a number. You'll just have to periodically increase calories every few weeks, and accept the initial weight gain, until your weight finally stabilizes.
    ^This. Eat 1,300 calories per day for 10 days. If you don't gain, eat 1,400. And so on, until you start gaining. Let's say you start gaining at 1,500 calories per day. Then eat 1,450 calories per day, and see if your weight stabilizes.

    It will take trial & error to find the right number for you.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I just noticed the "plus little snacks here and there". Not sure how much that translates to, and maybe you could swap for something more filling? Out of interest, how high did you go at 1, 500, and how much exercise do you do?

    When I log all my "little snacks here and there" - and I'm talking about a fingerful of cookie dough and a bit of salad dressing, a small glass of oj or kefir and a snitch of cheese - it adds several hundred calories to my log. IT ADDS UP.

    If you're losing weight you need to eat more. If you're gaining weight you need to eat less. Try 1350 and see if you can find a fitbit to get an accurate take on your exercise so you can eat that back. Don't worry about your metabolism in 20 years. Eat what you need now and do find the food you enjoy.
  • jminette
    I'm not fixated on the scale. I don't even weigh myself daily. I just asked if I'd also feel heavier.
    People can't handle these questions without being rude.

    Plus little snacks here and there meant I would take bites of food if offered. Take a piece of candy if out in a bowl. Handful of cereal if I felt hungry. So basically that just meant I'm not always at 1200 on the dot and there are frequently little things I don't count. But I rarely feel they are over 100 to 200 extra calories a day extra.

    Sorry it wasn't ment as rude. I myself weigh in daily. I had a longer response, basically saying that a measuring tape is a better tool than a scale to gauge successful maintenance. But being as I have yet to take my own advice I decided not to write it. I was talking to myself as much as to you.

    You see I have mantained goal weight for almost a year but have done so with a 1200 calories to 1500 calorie yoyo so i know im not really mantaning yet.
    I would slowly up my calories and slowly gain back at the same time. Id reach my scream weight then I'd cut back to 1200 until back down and then start all over again. Honestly its been exhausting and I just wanted to stop. Im currently back up over scream weight again and back to cutting calories. mostly because i dont like what the scale says but im also not happy with the measurements I see.

    I began to write that a measuring tape was a better gauge for both you and I (once I was back at goal anyway) hoping that the glycerine stores wouldn't change our measurements but as a read more I decided not to write that because it sounded as if that may not be true.

    Sounds like we're in similar situations. You'd think that the hard part of losing weight was behind us. Guess not!
  • jminette
    I gained two pounds my first week of maintenance...started to panic but stuck it out because everyone told me it was a normal reaction from my body and it had to did. I went back down to mt goal weight after the second week of eating 1500 calories a week, MFP was telling me to eat anywhere from 1800 minimum to 2300 and up depending on my exercise. After the fourth week of maintenance at 1500 I suppose my body got its self together because I started losing up to 1800 I weight gain this time but no loss either...but I did lose inches still. Then after about another two weeks...another 2 pounds I went up to between 2000 and 2300 now on work out days...(thats 6 days a week for me) normal calorie burn for one day when I work out is about 500 to 700 calories depending on my cardio mostly and if I am combining weight training on those days.I set my goal weight within a 4 pound variable and I am now happily maintaining at it's lowest level.

    You need to teach your body how to process the calories...(hence up your metabolism). Being active is essential. Only eat your regular amount of recommended calories on your off day(s) but when you work out eat back those calories. I always come in about 100 calories below what is recommended on my wo days...sometimes it is just too much for me to take in...But about once or twice a month I do splurge and may go about 300 - 400 calories over...its not often and it doesn't seem to have an effect on my maintaining.

    Good luck...let your body work it out...give it some time and only weigh in once a week...we fluctuate way too much to weigh in everyday, (especially us girls!)
    Thanks. This gives me the motivation to ignore initial weight gain when I up my calories a bit. Hope it works for me.
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    What is an appropriate level for me is my question. Because mfp has apparently steered me in the wrong direction.

    put your info here on this link to find your BMR.

    seems to me you are already maintaining. a few pounds here and there is not a big concern. you worry to much. eat a little, workout..and just have fun!
  • jminette
    I've startedpaying closer attention to my intake while bumping my calories up to 1300-1400 a day. It's hard to tell in a short time, but I do seem to be losing. This means my maintenance level is probably much higher and my snacking added more false than I thought. I'm gonna continue increasing until I find maintenance. I'm so glad it's not as low as I thought it was.
    Thanks to everyone for suggestions and guidance!
  • Happyme2009
    Happyme2009 Posts: 233 Member
    Well, here you go. Here's a website and your numbers...

    1-3 hours of LIGHT exercise each week (i'm sure you most certainly at least get this much): 1851 calories

    3-5 hours of moderate exercise each week: 2086

    5-6 hours of strenuous exercise: 2322

    So, at minimum you should get your calories up to 1850 calories. If you were TRULY sedentary you'd aim for 1615 calories a day but that is highly unlikely given your age and student status (at least it was for me).

    I ear roughly 2000-2500 cals every day. Sometimes more. And I've maintain for about 8 months. ok. Gained maybe 2-4 lbs at my heaviest But it varies. I don't have an active job. I try to move around. Go to gym about 2-3 times a week. Sometimes less, sometimes more..
    Big difference from going to gym 5 times a week ( like before ) and eating 1200 cals ( like before, when I was losing weight).
    First reaction of the body will be to gain. A lot, like 5-7 lbs. After it gets used to lots of food again, will go down and normalize. At least, this is what happened to me.
  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    Ummmm get to the gym???
  • jminette
    Ummmm get to the gym???
    I do when I can. I used to work out like 1-2 hours daily but I've gotten too busy. And now that I'm home on break, I don't have access to a gym now that I have more time. So I've been rotating jillian michaels DVDs every day or every other day. I do make an active effort to stay in shape and this comment is unnecessary.
  • svsl0928
    svsl0928 Posts: 205 Member
    Try this - multiply what you want to weight by 9 or 10. This will be the number of calories you can eat to maintain.
  • Happyme2009
    Happyme2009 Posts: 233 Member
    Try this - multiply what you want to weight by 9 or 10. This will be the number of calories you can eat to maintain.

    Are you serious? I would starve on 1300 cals a day, because I weight more or less 130 lbs. I am eating about 2000-2500 a day and I am maintaining . And that is normal but relatively clean ( with exceptions ) , eating.
  • jminette
    Multiplying by 9 or 10 is a pretty low number.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Pretty sure it's 12-14 for maintenance and 10-12 for weight loss.
  • brimin101
    brimin101 Posts: 31 Member
    First you need to find your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). Calories burned while being sedentary. That is the absolute lowest you should go. If you exercise and are trying to maintain you will need to replenish those as well. An hour of intense weight training is about 400 cals. Most cardio equipment will show you calories burned.

    Example: if your BMR is 1600 and you eat 1600 cals then weight train 1600-400=1200cals. You would now need 400 cals to make up the difference.

    It's tough and confusing but don't feel defeated. Experiment with your body and do what you feel is right. 1200 cals seems awful low. Find your BMR and use that as a starting point.
  • jminette
    I do try and eat back my exercise calories as well. I didn't mention that before.
    I'm determined to work it out. Thanks guys