Karate really helping

Maxwell1220 Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
This is my first post so hello to all my fellow fitness guru's, advisors, tryers and admirably to all of you have hit target and maintained a healthy lifestyle.

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am getting on really well since I started Karate about 6 months ago. There are lots of different types of Karate/Judo/Tae Kwan Do, some more energetic than others that are great forms of Cardio and offer a good level of discipline that is easily introduced into meal planning and general healthy lifestyle.

All ages/sizes/fitness levels are welcome at the club where I go, it is a family training session. It also has the added bonus that you if, in the unfortunate event that you need to defend yourself, you could do enough to get away from any mugger as quickly as possible.

Hope some of you may find this helpful and a inspiring enough to do something different for a change other than the boring gym.


  • esachs
    esachs Posts: 2
    Hi there! In what style do you train? I have been training in Enshin Karate for a little over 3 years and I love it. I agree-it is a fun work out. It has helped me not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. My dojo mates are my family, and motivate me even when I want to give up.

    Glad you are loving karate too! :)
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    Grew up in Judo / Karate (Various styles) Did Boxing for about 10 years (I was a pretty horrible boxer), as well as various other disciplines, including full contact stick fighting (yes it hurts). I was a fight junkie, and I loved fighting. Weird how much I have mellowed out over the years.
    I could do things at 179 lbs that I just couldn't pull off at 300 lbs.

    I'm hoping to start boxing again just for the workout.
  • Hey there, the discipline that we practice is called MAARLISK designed as a Martial Arts and Life Skills combination that, as you say is there to increase confidence etc helping with your everyday general outlook on life strongly focussing on goal setting.

    This is why I have found it so helpful with meal planning and weight loss guidance as I can focus on specific measurable goals.

    As you said you are never short of someone to push you further than you feel you can go at our club - just what I need!!

    Great to hear someone else is getting the same benefits as me - Good Luck
  • I am also starting sparring this Friday which will be a new experience slightly similar to boxing.

    Get back down to the ring as soon as you can - first step is always the hardest, let me know how you get on.
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