Starting up MMA, any advice?

I used to work with a trainer on conditioning but never got got farther than sparring with him because he went back into a training thing. Any advice on what I should be doing beforehand, and during? Any exercises I should be doing before signing up? Any weight gain I should strive for? I am a 5'6, 130 lb. female. Any advice on how many classes a week? How many days to wait between classes? How long classes I should take to start with? Or any other advice?
Also, I have had a problem with mean, condescending responses to my questions in these forums. Please be aware that I am a newbie and I am coming from a place of ignorance. It's nice to be nice. I would afford you the same courtesy, I promise.
Thank you!


  • BranDiesel_27
    MMA, depending on your type of style your going into. usually always focuses on the core. ecspecially the back because it get neglected during training sessions. Bridges will be done. Weight wont matter until you compete. Start with around 2-3 classes a week if you have never done them before. I dont know what your exercise background is so i think 2-3 classes should be max time until you feel you can handle more. Not only that but i dont know how intense your classes will be. its up to you to figure this out. Make sure you eat enough. if you wanna be gaining strength and not feeling drained you wanna get enough cals and macros. You dont wanna be having a huge deficit in cals or a deficit at all. hope this helps.