Weight Lifting! Advice for beginner/newbie!

I want to start a weight lifting regimen to help maintain and build muscle as I continue to lose body fat. Starting is the most difficult step sometimes and just thinking about it is overwhelming, but this is something I really want to start focusing on and am looking for advice. I feel like I am confident enough with the nutritional/dietary lifestyle changes I made now to where I want to start focusing on this now and making this happen.

If you all could tell me the equipment you use, how much it costs/where you got it from, your weight lifting regimen, and any starting tips for a complete newbie/beginner I would really appreciate it!

Thanks and happy holidays! Also feel free to send me an add! Always looking for new supportive friends and will be the same in return!


  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    look up starting strength and/or strong lifts 5x5. very basic programs, perfect for newbies =)
  • kwedman488
    kwedman488 Posts: 132 Member
    What I did was start with P90X. I found it to be perfect. I would just play the videos on my iPod at the gym and listen to then as I did the exercises (I watched them beforehand to know what the moves were so I wouldn't have to stop and etch at the gym). I still do P90X, because the videos motivate me more than just doing weight lifting "on my own". And that way, I don't need any equipment, just a gym membership, and I've learned a lot. It teaches you all the basic rules of weight lifting for newbies-I even made my own leg routine all by myself from it and it's been working great.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I'd look at Stronglifts or Starting Strength, both good beginner programs. Any progressive lifting program will help you reach those goals, though. Make sure that you're getting enough protein...it's imperative to make sure you retain as much lean body mass as possible.