Greetings from the Beautiful Puget Sound Washington Area

:glasses: I've been using My Fitness Pal for a while and LOVE it! I have been on Nutritional Ketosis for several months and customize the goals to suit my macros. It's awesome! I am a Paramedic and keep close tabs on my Blood Glucose, Ketone levels, BP and other stats. The food diary gives me a great place to keep notes. I print the summary every day and file it in a notebook. This is the second time in my life to be on a NK routine. I will never go back to the old way of eating again!
Oh, by the way, the profile picture is me at 245 pounds. I keep it around to remind me where I was.


  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Welcome my fellow Washingtonian!

    I now reside in Southern, CA., but nothing like WA!