Key to losing weight: What should I be doing?



  • mjones6599
    I would say for 3-5 days do nothing different.....except log everything you eat, if you don't exercise, don't. Then, review your diary honestly. See how many calories you are consuming a day and from what, you will be surprised. Figure out where you can make a small, but meaningful change or substitution. For me, it was the realization that I was drinking away nearly 1000 calories a day on soda ~ I learned to live with diet instead, cutting all of those calories out. Make a small, but meaningful change in your activity level. If you joined a gym, set a goal. Work up to walking or biking for 20-30 minutes per day 5 times a week. As these changes become second nature, choose something else from your diary to make a change and slowly amp up your activity. When you feel that you have made sufficient progress and are completely committed to changing your lifestyle, start looking at your TDEE and creating a caloric deficit.

    I think a major reason people fail at first is that they try to make too many unsustainable changes too quickly. It's too hard and not realistic for you to go to 1200 calories per day if you have been consuming 3000. Take it slowly, but be deliberate and steadfast in your actions. By no means is this a race, it is a journey and there is absolutely no reason for starting with the "all-or-nothing" approach.

    Much wishes for your success!