Weight Loss Clear up

Hello everyone, I must say This has been great for me!! I never in my wildest of dreams would think I would lose this much weight, and feel so good!

I just need some help clearing this up. I am a man 30 years old. When I started here on MFP on Oct 20th 2013 I was 360.8lbs had a 60" waist , today Dec 22 2013 I now weigh 309.6 !!!!!

Now I have cut 1,000 calories from my dieit, I gave up soda, fried foods, sweets, Fast food, and Sweet tea, I also started walking brisk for 50-55 mins ad day 5 days a week.

I tried weight lifting a month ago and got injured, so my DR said for me to wait until I lose a lot of weight then do the weight lifting.

So I ask you am I doing good? I feel so much better and can now fit a 1x/2x shirt I was in a 4x shirt and now my waist is 53" I have losss7" I just don't want to lose to much mussel and I want to lose more fat.

Now a member emailed me in PM and said I was doing it all wrong and All I am losing is water, and mussel and no fat!! and that at this rate I will die within a year??? so this is why I ask if I feel goo and can fit into smaller cloths am I doing good or bad?

any help will be great.


  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    Bro, you said that your doctor said you were doing everything fine, just to hold off on the lifting for a while.

    Doctor > internet fool.
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Take others opinions with a grain of salt… everyone is an "expert" here! If your seeing steady losses, your doing everything right! However… lifting weights now can only benefit you in the long run…. Congratulations & keep up the great work! :)
  • laceyfowler
    laceyfowler Posts: 127 Member

    I'd definitely listed to your doctor before listening to a random person on here who sent you what sounds like an ill-advised message. Your doctor knows you're losing weight and is encouraging you to lose more. Cool.

    You said what you are not eating - what are you eating? As long as you're eating healthy foods and not just starving yourself, it seems based on your results that you're on the right track.

    One reason people (doctors and others) sometimes recommending losing weight first and weight lifting later is that weight lifting adds muscle, which of course is healthy... but, the added muscle weight can make your weight loss look slower, even though you're probably losing a good amount of fat... and some people get very discouraged by the slower (or lack of) weight loss that this causes, and they give up. That's the biggest reason I've heard for not weight lifting until after losing most of the weight. Of course, I don't know what your specific situation is - there could also be medical reasons for your doctor's advice. I see that you got injured lifting weights recently, so maybe your doctor just wants you to heal up fully before trying again.

    In any case... I'm pretty sure you didn't just lose 50lb and several inches and clothing sizes and have it all be "water and muscle"... LOL pardon my bluntness, but screw whoever told you that - just keep being healthy, stay in touch with your doctor regarding your healthy lifestyle, and best of luck in your continued success!
  • Thanks, one of you asked what I eat here it goes. First before I stated. I would it 2 bojangels steak egg & cheese buscuits and a large bo rounds a a large coke. For luch I would go to a buffett place and 2-3 plates. For snake candy bar or a bag of chips. For supper 5-7 slice of pizza.

    Now I eat a small bowl of oatmeal. Snack 6-7 grapes. Lunch. Turkey sandwich on wheat no mayo. Snack an apple supper soup or salad

    And now I drink all water.
  • You're doing good, man. If there were big issues you're doctor would help you out! Also good work. Only thing you may want to add (may want to consult with your dr too) - would be doing some body weight squats (no weights) and something for your abs - situps, crunches, leg raises, planks etc) In my experience, working those muscles helps keep most other muscles -- better than just walking.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Family doctors are not the end all be all that people make them out to be... I crawled into my doctors office at 560 lbs. 4 years ago and the first thing he said to me was lose weight or your going to die but the next words out of his mouth was I am your doctor and if you get sick, have an injury that are within my general practices I can treat you for it, but I am not a endo dr. , I am not a dietician and I am not a therapist and I won't pretend to know everything. What I can do is point you in the right direction and get you the help you need and work closely with those specialist to get you to your goals... Most honest and truthful opinion I ever heard and I respect my family physician greatly for that and my result speak for themselves...

    That being said may I ask what your daily intake (calories and macros) are?? My only concern is your not eating enough and maybe, being to aggressive with your weight loss the further you go... In the beginning losing more is somewhat normal but the further into your weightloss, realistic expectation have to be taken and that deficit needs to come down because you may be sacrificing lean muscle along with fat loss and that my friend is just not worth the weight coming of faster... If you want my opinion and you can take it with a grain of salt but I do not agree with your doctor one bit about holding off on resistance training... I couldn't even stand when I first start let alone walk and they put me in a therapy pool to use water displacement to allow me to stand long enough to exercise but from that very first week my Physical therapist began me on a strength building (resistance based) exercise program to help me build my strength as well as muscles... Just my 2 cents..... Best of Luck

    If my math is correct, you have lost 51.2 lbs. in 8 weeks (Oct 20th-Dec 22nd) at a rate of 6.4 lbs. per week?? I am not sure if I would call that a healthy weight loss and certainly wouldn't continue losing at that clip but that is totally your call..... I lost over 300 lbs. at a rate of 1-2 pounds a week......